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Alex's POV

"Look I don't know what the hell happened, but Coach Ellis is pissed, she's beyond mad, so you five better have a good story!" Carli was livid. She thinks we did something wrong, but like how?! 

"We didn't do anything Carli, what- I'm so-ugh!" Mallory threw her arm up careful to keep her ice pack on her face. 

"I don't know what's happening, but fix it!" She opened the door and we all walked in. Coach Ellis was on her laptop. She was intently watching a video over and over again. 

"What is this?...what happened?!" She turned the computer and we walked towards her.


"USWNT team's youngest players duel in park. New player Brooklyn Lopez clearly send Mallory pugh to sleep after heated fight in a park. They are in training camp for a set of upcoming friendlies against Lucy Bronze and England national team."


It showed the video, but you couldn't hear their conversation. I watched and Brooklyn hit her hard, it just doesn't make sense on why she would do it though. 

"I don't know how it started what happened all I know is that the future of this team just came in here and left, luckily I have her staying for the youth national team training camp, she's playing for them for a while. So what happened?"

She looked at us with a look of disappointment. I'm done, I'm gonna get fired. Let's be honest, what she wanted to say is the best person on our team right now just left. We really needed her for these friendlies. 

"It was my fault coach..." Everyones heads snapped to look at me in shock. Tobin had a look I couldn't read. Christen looked down at her hands and shook her head. "Coach, Alex didn't do anything, it wasn't her fault." 

"Christen you don't have to defend me, someone has to take the blame."

"I want the rightful person to take the blame." She looked at each of us. "Think long and hard about this..."

"I'm the reason she punched Mallory, I made her mad, I talk to her about something I shouldn't have, I'm sorry, they didn't do anything wrong...just me..." I let out a big sigh and turned around.

Waiting for the words to come from coach Ellis' mouth. "Alex...I told you. I'm sitting you out for the England set. You ladies are dismissed, Alex pack your bags."


"Stop, look we don't need all of us missing, the team needs you four, so please go win those two games." They were silent. Mallory rushed out of the room. She was super upset about the whole situation. We all know that she is mad about a few things, feelings of didn't things were affecting us all. I moved on, but Tobin didn't and now all I wonder is she suffering as much as Mallory?

"Alex...I'm sorry. I wish you were playing, because without you, our team isn't complete."

I felt a small smile creep onto my lips. "Thanks Tobin, I've been thinking about Mallory, and her break up with Brooklyn... I'm sorry if I hurt you, it just wasn't working out, I never wanted to leave Portland, but Orlando is my new home and you're not there."

" won't understand how much you hurt me, Mallory can't be a comparison. You'll never understand." She turned away and I just stood there. Why is my life falling apart?


(Flashback-no one's POV)

"Coach, I know I'm the new kid, I know Alex has won everything there is to win, but why does she hate me. I want to be the future of this team, but if my team hates me how am I supposed to do what I'm here to do?" 

"If Alex is a problem I'll fix it, but you can't let any one hold you back, injuries, teammates, opponents, coaches, refs, nobody can hold you back, but yourself. Lead this team to victory." 

The young kid took her hands off her head and nodded, if anyone knew that the world will drag you down, she would know. 

"I'll talk to Alex, go practice, prove to them, to everyone that my call for you here is worth it."


"Hey Coach Ellis, what do you need?" Alex came into the room clueless. That a fifteen year old would change her life, for the good, but most would think the bad.

"Alex, I've been told that you're not exactly being the best teammate. I don't want this to be the case. So here's the deal, change your attitude or you regret it andmajor consequences will be inflicted."

That wasn't the last time they would talk about this. Alex never stopped. She was forced to or her life would feel like it's over.


"Alex...I don't know what else to tell you. Before the game you talk to her, go on a walk something, but if I don't see you and Brooklyn smiling, I'm benching you, understand?" Coach Ellis' voice was strict and firm. 

Alex didn't even realize what was to come. 

"I'm sorry, I'll fix things, I promise coach."

That promise would be broken, but it wasn't Alex or Brooklyn's fault.


Alex's POV

"Al babe I'm so sorry." 

"It's okay, it's just for these two games hopefully..." 

Servando pulled me into a hug and I rested my head on his shoulder. I began sobbing into his chest. He ran his hand up and down my back. Comforting me any way he could. 

"She seemed so nice, Alex I promise everything will be okay, I just don't understand, the way she looked at you, when you two fell asleep on the couch, cuddled together. When you played pass and she would do a few tricks. The smiles on your faces every secong you saw each other. When she came to Orlando to watch your game. I don't know what's happening, but Alex getting hurt by people only truly hurts bad when it's someone who loves you and you love. Everything will be okay." 

He kissed my forehead and held me in his arms. I couldn't help, but run the memories through my head. It does truly hurt, and it is because I love her, but I will never know if she loves me. She's said I love you guys, but it's not the same.

"It'll never be the same..." 

"Alex what won't be the same?"

I realized I said it out loud and shook my head. He knew not to question me anymore. 

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