Chapter 1

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The rain poured down heavily, showing no signs of slowing down, only getting stronger.

Blackarachnia moved swiftly through the forest in her spider form. After her failed attempt at ridding herself of her organic half with Sari's key, she retreated to the forest, since out there the chances of her being found were slim.

Her pace quickened.

She hated the rain but she suspected that her dislike of it was mostly due to her organic half. Either way, it only increased her wanting to return back to her temporary shelter.

The trees danced wildly as the harsh winds became stronger. The rain came down so hard that on human skin it would have been painful as the droplets of water made impact.

Even as she continued on, Blackarachnia couldn't ignore the pain she was in.
Seeing Optimus again after all this time brought back so many old memories and emotions she had long buried. She thought back to that one day, that one moment, that ruined her entire life. If only Optimus had just come back for her, if only he had saved her, if only he had been there for her like he always said he would be, things would be different. She would have graduated from the academy with her friends and been in the Elite Guard.

She had a good life and everything was perfect. 

Now look at her, she was a freak to her own kind. A half-organic freak. With nowhere else to go, she had no choice but to join the Decepticons.
Blackarachnia blamed Optimus for this. She blamed him for all of this. He left her behind when she needed him most. She thought he cared about her but clearly he didn't if he could easily leave her for scrap like that.

The Techno-organic's thoughts drifted to when Optimus held her in his arms weeks ago. How she longed to be held like that again, to be cared for... To be loved...

She felt so many emotions race through her. Anger, betrayal, sadness, self pity...

She came to an abrupt stop, transforming into robot mode and taking deep intakes of air to calm herself. She just stood there, motionless, optics locked onto the ground. Lightning flashed overhead lighting up the night for a split-second. That split-second was just in enough time for Blackarachnia to catch a glimpse of her reflection in the puddle at her peds. What stood out the most in her reflection was her optics which glowed a bright and eery red.

She immediately turned her gaze the other way upon seeing it. She wasn't going to give up, she was going to find a cure if it were the last thing she did.

She was about to transform and continue on her way when she saw something out of the corner of her optic. Turning her head fully to look, she could make out the outline of some type of bundle lying at the bottom of a huge pine tree. Curiosity getting the best of her, she began walking towards it. Upon reaching the strange object, she knelt down to get a closer look but still couldn't tell what it was due to the rain and darkness obscuring her vision.

Lightning struck and once again briefly lit up the night sky.

Blackarachnia's optics widened when she realized what the bundle really was.

It was a human.

A human child.

Blackarachnia silently stared at it, optics wide in disbelief. What was a human child doing out in the woods? Especially in this bad weather?

She looked from side to side, searching for signs of any humans nearby, but there were none. This area of the woods was completely devoid of any other humans.

Blackarachnia moved her gaze back to the child at her peds. She looked at it silently for a moment then turned around and started walking. It was just another fragile human. Those things died all the time, why should she care?
But, the techno organic found herself stopping in her tracks. She was indecisive. She had only herself to worry about, why should she go through all the trouble to help someone she does not even know? And yet, as this thought came to her she could not continue forward. Something was stopping her, something was telling her to turn around.

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