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I fucking hate school so much rn. Like, my teachers always assure us that they'll never assign homework on weekends. But then right after that's exactly what they do. Like, I have one more week of school, and I'm tired as fuck, but they still give me a shit ton of homework that has no purpose or correlation to what we're doing in class. I swear, they're literally just doing it for the sake of not letting us have any time to ourselves.

It snowed last night though. Not that any of you'd care. But where I live, it hasn't snowed in like 7 years. And even then it was just enough to cover the grass. But this was like actual fucking snow that you could do shit with. It's never cold enough for it this early in winter. I don't think it even is winter yet.

I blame school for the strange weather. If only school had been canceled because too much snow had piled on top of the building and it had collapsed in on itself. If only.

Well, I'm gonna go back into my hole of anxiety and self-loathing now. See you in the spring or whatever. If anyone's actually reading this. Probably not. Oh well. Peace out   ✌️

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