chapter 1:Concussion

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Hello I am awsome yeah you heard me im awsome and this is a call of duty fanfic deal with it and please read.Oh and half of the credit goes too natasharomonof123.

Grey's POV

"Everglade,wake up come on Glade wake up" I said shaking her.

"What happened" she moaned shaking her head side to side."Tere was an explosion and alot of peoople died"

"They think it was the dictators that bombed the town, and you got a concusion in the blast" I said looking away from her.

"What about mom and dad" she said raising her voice at me.

"Dad is almost better, he was in serious condition but mom ummmm......".

"What happened to mom" she said screaming at me.I looked at the floor and said " She died because the building collapsed".

"What the hell happened before i colapsed" she yelled.

"Hey dont use that language mom doesnt allow it".

"She is gone now" she got frustrated with me."I dont care you still dont talk like that".

"Shut up, im gonna join the rebellions and kill all the dictators".

"But wait were not old enough"."Age dosen't define a person, there ability to go on is what matters" she said to me.

"Fine im in lets do this".

First chapter hope you like keep reading

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