Curious Thoughts (Part V)

Start from the beginning

Rachel turned around and looked away as Zack puked the last remains of yesterday's meals, thankful he had broken the little hug she initiated.

He had continued on for a while before finally stopping. Having puked his guts out, Zack hung his head and began catching his breath; the pain being persistant.

It was in that moment that Rachel saw something bright and shiny on the back of Zack's neck...

'Huh? What's that...'

She crawled towards him and, wordlessly, touched the mysterious object which appeared to have been inserted.

It was round, relatively small-- so small she was surprised to have even seen it. It felt like metal, it was surely that... But where did it come from? Zack definitely never had it before, and she was sure of it.

Knowing her companion was more than capable in withstanding pain, Rachel wordlessly dug her fingers around the small object, she felt Zack twitch at the feel of her nails bruising his flesh, but decided to keep on digging deeper.

She felt like she had a good hold of it, eventually; and so she pulled the wretched thing with all her petite might. It was only then that Zack yelled in utter pain, confirming her suspicions towards that piece of metal.

"What the fuck are you doing Ray?!" Zack practically shouted at her, drool coming out of his mouth due to the extreme pain.

"Stop moving! I'm trying to help you!" She spoke, still pulling like her life depended on it. That piece was stubbornly deep, causing hundreds of questions to float within her mind.

"Hold still..." she whispered, biting her lip as she pulled and pulled. Her face growing redder and redder by the second, barely feeling her arms anymore-- until finally, she succeeded in ripping it off.

Zack breathed in relief and bliss as his headache slowly nulled into none. Suddenly, it felt like his whole body lost all the weight in the world-- making him fall abruptly on Rachel's lap.

'Never again.' He thought to himself, panting ever so slightly. 'Fucking pain.'

Rachel brushed his hair with her small fingers, making Zack look up at her. She had quite the odd expression on her face, something mixed with both worry and relief.

"You're okay now?" She asked, somewhat gently. He nodded, not feeling at ease somehow.

"This is what I found in the back of your neck..." Rachel said as she showed the tiny item. Zack's brows furrowed immediately, surprised that such a foreign object managed to bury itself into his flesh.

"What the hell is that?"

"I don't know..." she spoke while examining it further. Two bloody wires were stuck to it, long enough to make Zack uncomfortable. If Rachel hadn't known any better she would've thought Zack volunteeted to become some kind of test subject...

Thankfully that wasn't the case. But still...

"Zack, I need answers." Rachel said very seriously, "tell me what happened yesterday."

Zack stood, leaving the comfort of Rachel's lap. He thought for a moment, a moment that felt a tad longer than it should. If anything, it was a feat in itself-- Zack actually thinking properly about something.

What a time to be alive.

"... I have no clue."

Rachel stood up as well, looking at his back with a tilt of the head.


"I don't remember, is what I'm trying to say." Zack muttered, rubbing his head with disdain in regards of Rachel's worry towards him.

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