Chapter 25

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It was PE, I always hated it. I changed while listening to some whores in my class talking about which boy in our class has the biggest dick....Yeah... I rolled my eyes and walked out into the gym. Jake tackled me to the ground and I started laughing, but as always everything good has to be ruined.

"Are you okay? Should I call the police?" One of the popular girls came up to me, i sighed and shook my head no.

"Whore" the girl huffed and walked away, i groaned and Jake hugged me from my side. The bell rang and everyone stood in one line. The lesson was like always, we did some running, some poses and then just sat around.

"A man is looking for you. I think it's HIM. Do you want me to call the police?" The teacher whispered to me and I saw Liam walk into the doorway and smiled my way.

"Hell no!" I almost yelled and she fake smiled at Liam as I stared at her wide eyed. I noticed that everyone was looking at Liam, but they all had disgusted faces and were whispering to each other. I sighed and walked over to Liam.

"Babe, you got to go. Almost everyone in this school hates you" I whispered, he sighed and nodded.

"How is it like to be a rapist?" A girl asked, actually saunding curious, I didn't know if I should be scared or disturbed, maybe both. Me and Liam exchanged glances and then ooked at the girl.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't raped anyone, and I'm not planing to." Liam said nicely. The girl rolled her eyes not believing a word. I looked around and noticed a group of girls trying to act sexual and what not. I will never understand the girls that would let their celebrity crush or just a celebrity they like rape them. It's just gross. At lunch I heard them talking about how they want Liam to rape them, he can put them in his basement and they would be happy. It's quite disturbing.

"You wanna hear something funny/disturbing? " I asked looking at the girls that were trying to act cool and staring at Liam.

"Yeah? " he asked, confused at my out of nowhere question.

"Those group of girls want you to rape them and lock them up in your basement " I chuckled and he looked at me wide eyed. He looked at them with disgust.

"Okay, let's go, the lesson ends in a minute"

We arrived at a house, I haven't been here before.

"Where are we? " I asked confused as I looked at the huge building.

"Management told us to come here, it's urgent, the guys are already there" he told me and got out the car. He walked over to my side and opened the door, I smiled and got out. We quickly ran/walked inside. We entered some room and a few guys we're sitting in chairs, they looked like business men.

"I'm glad Ruby came with. We'll make this quick " thy guy in the middle said, I looked at him confused as we sat down.

"You guys need to break up, and that's final" he said and gestured us to go. I looked at him wide eyed.  Liam looked like he was about to cry.  I hugged him.

"No" I said seriously hugging Liam tightly.

"If you manage to convince the fans that everything is okay and save Liam's career,  you can be together,  but if I see something bad on the news that's it" another guy told us.  I was about to cry.  I nodded and Liam did too. 

On the way back and to the concert we all were sad.

"C'mon guys! Get a grip! You have a concert and you cant be sad! " I cheered and hoped it will work. They nodded and put on fake smiles.  I kissed Liam's cheek and his fake smile turned into a real one. 

"We're here" Harry said and we stopped.  We got out. 

"How bad are you hurt? " "Liam Payne!  How does it feel to be the most popular rapist in the world? " " Did you know you could go to jail for this? " "freak! " " you make me sick! "

Oh no...

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