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    "Oh God Andrea, there's walkers everywhere! Hide! Hide Andrea!"

    You shout at the TV as you watch that Walking Dead episode for the umpteenth time. "Oh God Andrea!" you stuff a handful of popcorn into your mouth to keep yourself from shouting again. Summer break is almost coming to an end, and you want to do all the Muggle stuff you can do before school starts, like using technology, for example.

    "Don't you just hate it when the TV doesn't listen to you?" Paris, your ten-year-old sister said as she walked by, "Parker, I love you, but next time, don't eat all the popcorn."

    "Whath? Doeth it have your name on ith now?" you talk with your mouth still full, "geth losth. Go play withh your Barbie dollth upthairth."

    Paris rolls her eyes and walks away.

    It's not that you hate her, or you're such a lousy big brother, you just don't like it when somebody interrupts your "Me Time".

    So you go back to your all-night The Walking Dead marathon. For you, it's the awesomest show ever. In fact, everything that has zombies in it is the awesomest thing ever. Left4Dead, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, I am Legend, Night of the Living Dead, Dead Set, Dawn of the Dead, Zombieland, you love them all.

    Your mind starts taking you to a fantasy world full of the undead as your attention towards the TV slowly slips away. You start asking yourself those curious "What-ifs".

    What if tomorrow you wake up and there's zombies everywhere? Then good for me. No more Transfiguration exams to kill my braincells with.

    You snap yourself back to reality, even if thinking of yourself being a bad-ass survivor was so tempting, there's still a small voice in your head saying, "I seriously wouldn't want that, right?"


    For a few moments, you feel bad for thinking of such a thing as wanting a zombie apocalypse to happen. You stare at your half-empty bowl of popcorn, Am I that horrible? So you walk upstairs, to your little sister's room and give her your leftover popcorn. She'd appreciate it, I guess. You open her door.

    It was already midnight, so you're not surprised to see her already asleep. You leave the bowl on her bedside table and kiss her on the forehead. You suddenly recall the day your parents came home from the hospital after she was born, you were so excited to see her, your baby sister, and you were very much delighted by her cute little socks and matching mitts. Sometimes you wish she's already eleven, so you can take her around Hogwarts and show her all the cool stuff you do there with your friends. Then you start wishing that you're already seventeen, so you can finally do a little bit of magic outside Hogwarts without the Ministry pestering you and show her how amazing it is to be a witch.

    You go back to the couch downstairs and resume your precious "Me time", smiling to yourself as you ponder on how Paris is lucky to have a brother like you. You quietly patronize yourself, ignoring the TV completely, and before you notice it, you slowly succumb to sleep...

AHH! ZOMBIES! STUPEFYYY! - Vol.1 Issue 1Where stories live. Discover now