The "Day" After Part #1

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After destroying the "Institute" and got awarded the title of Sentinel you went on a mission in the "Glowing Sea". Where you collapsed and Paladin Danse grabbed you and took you back to the Prydwen.  You awake terrified and gasping from your unconsciousness back in the sea. After being laid back down and calmed you ask "what, where, how... I what happened?"

Elder Maxson looking at you after the panic of waking up says "You were so radiated we didn't think you could be saved... you collapsed."

"How did I get here?" you ask gingerly.

"I told you not to speak of him ever again but, in this case, Danse brought you," Elder Maxson tells you. 

Dr. Kade puts a new Rad-Away in and you get very tired and turn to sleep when you hear him yell "This is, oh my God she... she's pregnant!"

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