Chapter Thirty: Well, Well, Well

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I opened my eyes, gasping as I was taken out of the memory into reality. My eyes shot over to Bucky, who looked as if he knew exactly what I saw. As if he were waiting for this memory to hit me. 

I hurriedly glanced down at the ground, not understanding how I never knew this. Or why I felt so ashamed. I knew I had no control, I knew that was all Hydra. But, deep down I think I know who the real villain was then. 

"What is it?" Steve asked me, looking between the two of us. 

I didn't say anything, only cupped his face with both my hands. Showing him what I saw, I know longer had to explain what I was doing. This being the newest memory of many I have shared with him. 

"Mo-" Steve started, I held up a hand. 

"We can talk about this later, we have much more important things to focus on. Besides, it seems I'm good at pushing these feelings down," I replied, nodding my head at Bucky to keep forging ahead. 

I could feel Steve's eyes on my back as I walked forward, I knew he wouldn't let this go. I didn't want to either, but we had to. There was no time for this now. 

I walked ahead, going over some stairs. I reached down, grabbing onto one of the knives I had stashed away. 

Then there was a loud thud behind us, all three of us instantly turned around, Steve in front of us a protective hand around me as the other held the shield. Bucky was behind me his gun trained ahead, I had my knife and mind ready. 

The three of us were all on high alert as the door let out a long creek.

"I think we have a visitor," I muttered. 

"You ready?" Steve asked both of us. 

"Yeah," we replied at the same time. All of us ready to get this over with. 

Then, the last person I thought we would see walked through, Tony. He was in is Iron Man suit, and I felt more surprised now then by the memory that hit me just moments ago.

As he walked forward his mask opened, reveling his face. There was a bruise on his face from earlier. 

"You all seem a little defensive," Tony said, approaching us. I still had the knife gripped tightly in my hand. 

Steve and I both walked forward, his shield still up. Putting a barrier between us and Tony. 

"It's been a long day," Steve told him, not letting his shield down yet, still defensive. Was Tony here to stop us? 

"At ease soldier, I am not currently after you," Tony then said, nodding at Bucky who still had his gun up. 

"Well then what are you doing here Stark?" I asked, my voice cold. 

"Smith, it is always a pleasure," he replied, matching my tone. Steve only looked more tense after our exchange. "Besides, it could be your story isn't so crazy." 

"Maybe," Steve replied shortly. 

"Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way," Tony informed us. "Otherwise I'd gotta arrest myself."

"Why would we do that for you? Maybe you could use some time in a cell," I told him, my eyes piercing into his. 

"Well, it sounds like a lot of paperwork," Steve said, glancing at me. I think he was wanting to accept whatever kind of peace offering this was. Besides, maybe I should be giving Tony a break, after what happened with his parents, what I did to him. 

After Tony let out a scoff, a small smile on his face, Steve and I went out of our defensive stances. His dropped his shield, I put the knife away. 

"It's good to see you Tony," Steve said to him, I could tell he meant it. I wasn't sure how I felt about seeing Stark, things have been even worse since I saw that memory. More tense than they have ever been before. 

"You too, Cap," Tony replied. "Smith, as you know, I couldn't be happier to see you."

I gave him a mocking smile, knowing this was our way of communicating. I don't think I've had a real conversation with Stark that didn't involve sarcasm or arguing.

"Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me," Tony said to Bucky, his gun still gripped tightly in his hands. "There's a truce here. You can drop.."

Both Tony and Steve motioned their hands, signaling for him to lower his gun. I gave him a look, not sure how long this peace treaty would last. I wasn't so sure if I wanted Bucky to put the gun down. 

We all continued walking through the facility, looking for something. For Zemo or the soldiers, although if he was able to get to them they would probably be long gone by now. 

Tony walked out in front, his repulsers ready. Steve, Bucky, and I all held our own weapons ready to defend or attack as needed. 

"I got heat signatures," Tony said. 

"I can feel someone's mind, it's faint but it's there," I agreed, knowing there was someone in here. 

"How many?" Steve asked us, the leader in him taking over. 

"Just one," I replied, still searching for anyone else. I looked at Tony, wondering if he had the same result.

"Uh, one," Tony agreed with me. 

We were lead to a large room, the ceiling stretching up for miles. There were several chambers, wha Hydra kept its soldiers in. What they kept me in. I felt trapped instantly seeing them, my eyes frantically went to Steve. Then to Bucky, who would know what I was feeling. He gave me a nod, signaling I wasn't alone in this feeling. 

"If it's any comfort," The speakers boomed around us, Zemo's voice filling the room. "They died in their sleep." 

I walked towards one of the chambers slowly, I reached my hand to the glass, wiping away the fog that was covering my view. I saw a bullet hole in one of the soldiers heads. I took a step back, not sure what to think. 

What was the doctor's plan then? What was he getting at? What game was he playing? 

~A/N Hey everyone! I am so happy to be back writing regularly! I have missed this so much! I feel so inspired now that I know this will not be my last book for this series!!

You h ave all been amazing throughout this entire book and being so patient with me and my irregular updates. 

QOTC: Do you think Tony will forgive Morgan? Should he? 

Please leave a comment, I am trying to reply to everyone! I love seeing everyone's thoughts on the chapter.~

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