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        It was unexpected, to put it mildly. But for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll start from the beginning. For as long as I can remember, Sector 7 was nothing more than the Bermuda Triangle of the universe. As we call it in the armed forces, if you got a job in there, it was a level 10 shit  job. The kind of job that makes you want to hang up your uniform and get out. Only worse. So naturally, I wanted to know what was in there. In my childhood I was a very curious child. I was the kind of kid who would hear the saying curiosity killed the cat and would ask my mom where the cat was so I could go see it.

        This far reaching goal brought me to the QUESO tactical air command operations (QUESOTACO) and I became star ship pilot. No, I wasn't any Han Solo, star ships were these dinky little single crew ships. They just called them that to get ignorant young pilots to sign up. Like me. Anyways, they were fast and had good weapons, which made them much more fun to fly than a lumbering battleship. My gung-ho attitude made me the perfect target for the brass to pick on. Little did they known that by sending me to Sector 7, they helped me accomplish my lifelong goal. That was until I came back out. When the closest station picked up my ship on scopes, all of humanity went bananas. Until honest-to-god genuine aliens started pouring out of it. Then they went even more bananas, if that was possible. By the time the public calmed down, the QUESO announced how they kinda caused the whole invasion thingy, by attacking the hole. So by the current year, being in the armed forces was such a revolting and terrifying thought that the UESO had to start drafting people into it.

        In a nutshell, things aren't looking to good for humanity. Understaffed military, citizens terrified that Armageddon is coming, and a technologically more advanced alien race is coming to wipe us all out. We have one ace up our sleeve though, me. Just kidding, I'm only a Lt. in the Air Command. We do have one advantage though, humans are very stubborn, and don't like people trying to take our stuff. Wait, that's two, I said one, oh well, I guess humans can't count, just one more thing against us.

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