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46) put one of those hand shopping carts on your head and walk around like a robot

47) Go up to strangers and act like your friends, for example, " Hey! I didn't think I would see you here. how are you? " Just don't give them time to speak and walk away

48) Gaurd a door/ aisle and tell people  " it's too dangerous to go in there alone. here take this! " and give them a toy sword

49) Challenge another shopper to a due with rolls of wrapping paper  

50) Challenge someone to Pokemon battle

51) Ask a worker where the furry suits are

52) Ask where they sell walls ( Because it's Walmart )

53) go to the food aisle with people in it and pick up something and say " Oh good I need this " But when you look at the price or calories shout " NO NOT TODAY  " And run away

54) Go to the pharmacy and ask for the ' good stuff '

55) Go to the alcohol and start to cry tears of joy

56) Go to the bathroom and start to sing ' Micheal in the bathroom ' really loudly and see if anyone joins in 

57) Make a small jail using shopping carts. and then put yourself or a toy in it

58) Ask the people who work in Electronics if they are robots

59) Have you are you friend go to the store and drag them around the store as if they were dead. And if a worker ask what are you doing just say ' looking for shovels, bleach, and bags ' 

60) Pretend you are a tourist and take pictures of everything. the more people who do this together the less awkward it is for you. Also remember to dress up as a tourist, Hawaii shirt, camera around neck, cargo pants, and sandals or crocs.

61) Flirt with the mannequins

63) ask a mannequin to marry you  

64) Steal a mannequin

65) ask a stranger for their daughter's hand in marriage 

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