In the Closet

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I am a really terrible person for leaving this undone for months -Michael Pin ;)


"Ah~!" Peter moaned,"Ngh-just do it already!"

"I can't..." Wade hissed, still trying to position himself.

"Left foot red!" Jarvis called out, after 'Butterfingers' spun the Twister needle.

Call after call, the two became quite close. Peter had slipped, and Wade was almost trapping him , but with his right foot in the air. The tension was thick in the air, almost too much to breathe.

Peter was tomato red, as was Wade. Wade had gotten off him, once he came to his senses.

"Monopoly?" Wade joked, though he did want to keep playing board games with Peter.

"I think its time for something new, we've played enough games." Peter sighed, they'd already played Janga, UNO, Xbox, and Guess Who.

"Lets watch Disney movies!" He even started  thinking about possible titles to watch. Tangled? Lion King? Maybe The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

"How about no?" Peter retorted, tone too venomous to be friendly. The family and love-centric movies would only rub salt into the wound that his parents were gone (even if it was only for a bit).

"Come on! We would be like thirteen year old girls!"

"Yeah, like snuggling and watching slightly romanticized movies isn't a date! No Wade." Peter felt bad...? It was weird seeing Wade genuinely happy, but yet he needed to stand his ground.

"Awww! What abou-" Peter blantly cut Wade off.

"Whatever. I don't care what you do, but I'm going to surf the internet. You have free rein of the house, but use common sense; no going in my pops' room, or the lab. Don't tamper with anything- including the suits. Especially the suits."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Honestly Petey, you think I am not a polite guest!" He half yelled, taking orange juice out of the fridge and drank it from the carton.

"The headphones are going on." Peter warned, making sure Wade was okay with it.

"Mhhhmm." He said, still taking a swig of juice.

Peter started playing a game, while Wade had swished the empty carton in the garbage. "Now what to do... Explore Peter's room! Yeah!" He cheered to himself. He walked down the hallway, peeking in each room, untill he found a dark blue room, with neat grey sheets. He opened the door all the way to admire his friend's room. It was a tad childish, with little Captain American and Iron-Man wall stickers, and an out-dated family picture. It had a tiny Peter, Tony Stark, and Steve Stark-Rodgers.

He dooked over to his desk to find a notebook filled with equasions, designs, and odd enough tiny spider doodles. There was an empty spot, which was the missing laptop, and another picture frame. This time it was a picture of an even younger Peter with an older couple, and a tiny picture wedged into the frame of a young woman holding a tiny baby, most likely Peter. Wade chuckeled to himself,"Man this kid is lucky... Well, not that his mom died, and his grandparents I'm guessing, gave him up after she died. Just that he has a good deal, with getting good adoptive parents." A hint of envy slipped through his tone, having been in the same system.

He sat in the matching grey bean bag, and looked through his library. "Science, science, science, more science... Some popular novels..." He sighed... "Still bored!" He looked to the only doors unopened, the closet! "Maybe treasure? Old stuff? Dead body? Iron-Man suit? Porn...? There could be anything in there!" The boxes were also getting a bit riled up.

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