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It's odd. 

Starting a new life. 

Especially when you're starting a new life with your boyfriend and their aunt who you've never met and or heard of before.

I grabbed Jason's hand and tried my hardest not to show any nerves but who could blame me for being nervous? I trusted Jason, I really did but his family wasn't the most sane people on earth, hell he wasn't the most sane person on earth. But from what I heard his aunt didn't sound like an insane person, she actually sounded kinda sweet. " I guess we should head in aye?" I laughed somewhat uncomfortably. It was also odd for me to be this nervous. Never once had I gotten nervous, well when I was a kid I did get stage fright but I was only a child. "Ronnie baby." He sighed, oh god. Was he mad at me? Never. He surely must have expected me not to be a hundred percent confident okay. "I love you baby girl, I hope you're happy with everything." He smiled slightly to me. There it was, that beautiful smile. The beautiful smile that could make all my worries go away. "I love you too Jason, and I'm happy. Trust me." I smiled back That was the truth, I was happy. Not exactly over the moon about things but still, happy. 

I let go of his hand and opened up the car door and took off my seat belt. This was it. A new chapter in my life, in our lives. God I hope I didn't end up regretting this decision. I got out of the car and just felt the heat really hit my face. God it wasn't always this hot here, was it? I'm really more of a cold weather type of person. I heard JD get out of the car as well and the heat wasn't the only thing that hit me. This was actually happening. I know I said it a hundred times within the past five minutes but now here we are, both standing in front of this total stranger's home. I felt him grab my hand and I just let him lead me to the front door. I could see a little bit inside the home already through the windows. It looked nice, neat and well cozy. I took a deep breath and let Jason knock on the door, he was related to the woman so he should be the one to knock on her door.

Within half a second the door opened, it was almost as if she was waiting by the door. She was tall, well everyone was tall compared to me. She looked like Jason. The dark hair, brown eyes and if I didn't know that Jason's mother was dead I would have thought this was his mom. We all just stood there, it was kinda awkward but the next thing I knew Jason and his aunt was hugging like there was no tomorrow. It was sweet, like really sweet to see Jason be with his family. To look happy. Like yeah he looked happy whenever he saw me but this was a different type of happy, I couldn't quite explain it.

"Auntie Grace, this is my girlfriend." Jason said as he pulled back from the hug and looked at me. "I'm Veronica, it's very nice to meet you." I smiled widely as I put out my hand for her to shake, but instead she let go of Jason and clung onto me instead. Wow. She was a huger but I didn't mind. It was comforting.

After a few minutes of hugging and introductions we all headed into the living room and honestly it was adorably decorated. Little antiques and knick nacks were every. It wasn't overly decorated but it was enough to make it feel homely. "Excuse me," I spoke up softly, not really sure what to call her. Do I call her Auntie Grace? Or just Grace? Or Miss, whatever Jason mom's maiden name was. His aunt looked at me and smiled lightly. " Yes dear? Is there something I can do to help you?" She asked, giving a warm smile. God that smile was nice. "Yes, where's the bathroom?" I asked, I didn't need to do anything. I just thought it would be nice to let Jason and his aunt have some alone time. He probably hadn't seen her since he was a kid. "It's just upstairs, first door on the right." She explained to me. I quickly thanked her and headed up stairs.

I locked myself in the bathroom and sighed. I was happy and I trusted Jason but it was moving so fast, I just wished I could keep up with it. I turned the tap on and splashed some water on my face. "Wow. So you really think you can blow up a school and live happily ever after?" A familiar voice appeared. I looked in the mirror and saw a sight I really didn't want to see. "I'm not expecting a happily ever after Heather." I groaned. I don't know why, but lately I've been seeing what I can only assume are ghosts or maybe it was just my guilt making up these images up. Whatever the case all I knew was I was seeing Heather Chandler standing right behind me.

"I just don't get it. I mean yeah I would have killed those losers as well, but me? Me?" Another voice appeared. Oh shit. I splashed some more water on my face and looked into the mirror again. Heather Duke was there now. "Heather? What are you doing here, I didn't kill you directly. I wasn't there when you died." I stuttered, to afraid to turn around "I don't know." Duke shrugged. "I was just told I could haunt you and honestly this could be fun." She giggled slightly. Great two Heathers plus an occasional Kurt and Ram. Could this get any worse? Actually don't answer that.

"Is there anyone else I should expect to pop up?" I groaned. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the whole school came and haunt me. "Hey guys." Another, someway cheery voice said. I once again splashed the water on my face and then turned the tap off. "Mac?  Mac is that seriously you?" I asked softly, man I was glad to see that blonde. "Yep it's me." She smiled, she was surprising cheery for a girl who killed herself. "W-what are you doing here? I didn't even have anything to do with your death." I explained, this was the first time I wasn't complaining about a ghost. I knew McNamara wouldn't be an asshole to me. "Well you see, I was in Heaven and God was like. Hey girl, if you want you can go hang out with your friends. And I was all like. Yeah that sounds cool thanks. And then I closed my eyes and I was here. And honestly this seems so much more fun then Heaven." She explained as she looked around the bathroom.

"Wow, dork much." Duke scoffed at the smaller blonde
"Shut up Heather." Chandler snapped at her. Heather Duke grabbed her arm and looked away from the taller blonde. "Sorry Heather." She mumbled. Wow in even death Heather Chandler ruled over Duke. "Guys, I need to go downstairs. Can you just try and promise not to be assholes okay? " I asked them which just got a laugh from Duke and Chandler. "Oh no." Chandler smiled. "You killed us and now we're gonna get our revenge." She smirked evily and with that all three ghosts disappeared in front of my eyes.

I was now scared to say the least. They were out to get me and I was sure they could win. I tried to calm my breathing as I unlocked the bathroom door. I headed back downstairs and all I could think about was what Chandler said. "Are you okay darling? " Jason asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yep. Everything's great." I lied as I joined the two on the couch.


Hey my name is Ivy and I never learnt how to not change between first and third person. I'm sorry that was blah.

But like don't forget to vote and comment :))

Have a good night and or day

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