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*Contains mentions of Suicide* 

( Veronica )

I heard the sound of someone getting up and running out of the classroom. I didn't bother to look up and check who it was cause I couldn't focus on anything.  Between from JD's psychotic behavior to Duke's sudden bitchy attitude. I just couldn't do anything. "Where's Heather going?" The teacher asked as he entered the class. I looked up from my diary and looked around. Not only did I notice that Heather McNamara wasn't there but there was a note on the board 'Poor little Heather.'  I automatically knew the hand writing. It was Duke's. "She's going to cry." She laughed bitchily. Shit. This was about what McNamara said last night on Hot Probs wasn't it?  The rest of the class laughed along with Duke as the teacher entered the room and wiped the message off of the board. I knew Mac, sure she was a little emotional,
well a lot since Chandler's death, but she was a strong girl. She wouldn't do anything stupid that she would regret.
I wrote down what was going on in my diary and continued with what I was thinking about before.  

I couldn't believe how different JD was acting. When I first him he was mysterious and different. But
I mean along with being a total rebellious bad boy he was sweet and protective. I thought what happened with Chandler was an accident. I grabbed the wrong cup, it happens. Right? Then something after the funeral, something was different. He lost the sweetness and his over protectiveness got crazy. I mean he somehow found me when I was out on a date. Then again he also found out where I lived after meeting and having an actual conversation with him like six hours earlier

Then with Ram and Kurt. It was so planned and there was no way that was an accident. And like I said, JD isn't the only one who's been changing Heather Duke. She went from this small fragile thing who was clearly scared to this loud and proud bitch who thought she was number one. From the dressing red to her attitude. She was Heather Chandler in every way and honestly I was scared for her. Not just because I was afraid of what she would do to herself but what JD would do to her. 

That's when it hit me. Duke was the new Chandler, McNamara was the new Duke. She was the new scared and quite girl. I looked up around the class again. She sill wasn't there. I looked up at the clock. Ten minutes had passed since Heather had run out of the class room. I looked around the room again and I looked down the hallway the best  I could and I couldn't see her coming back. I got this awful feeling in my stomach. Something wasn't okay. Something was so horribly wrong. I sighed deeply and snapped shut my diary and got out of my seat. "Now where's she going?" I heard the teacher ask, I also heard Duke give yet another bitchy response.  Normally I would call  her out for being such a mega bitch but I didn't have time.  

I ran down the hallway and straight to the bathroom. I opened the door and saw something I never wanted to  see. Heather was lying there on the bathroom floor with  a bottle pills in her hand. "Ah shit. Heather?" I said, running over to her. "Shit. Shit Heather. Fuck." I mumbled as I checked her pulse. It was barely there. I was trying so hard to keep my cool and honestly I was so close to failing. "Shit someone help!" I screamed hoping to get someone's attention. After a few screams it finally worked and I got some random teacher's help. She came rushing over and checked her pulse as well. "Okay scream if it gets worse,I'm gonna call the paramedics." She said, you could tell she was in full panic mode.  I nodded my head and held Heather close to my chest. "Aw shit please Heather don't die on me." I said as I began to lightly cry. I haven't cried at school ever. Well properly cried.  

Around five minutes the ambulance arrived and usually in movies when the paramedics burst into the room the main character knows everything is okay and in the next scene the characters meet the victim in the hospitable and they are expected to make a full recovery and it's supposed to be all okay. But is isn't a movie. It wasn't even a dream. This was real life. As soon as they came in I knew. 

Heather wasn't going to be okay.


So this was the most popular story vote so I made it. I'm sorry this chapter is so short.

Well have a good day and or night!

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