#flash back 2

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POV Kara

when I woke up I was lying on the ground, all of a sudden I got a whole painful stitch in my back.

"AAUUU" I cried out.

"KLARA" called J'onn bringing the pain just as quickly pulled away as that it had come "it's  already gone J'onn" I said sobbing.

"ok good but that doesn't matter were going inside and well NOW" J'onn said while he picked me up  and walked away.

It's a few days later. I'm lying in my bed, I need to rest from J'onn. So I did . someone knocks on the door.

"come in"

 "Hi sweetie how do you feel"

 "Dad better but I'm hungry can I eat something?"

 "sure sweetie what do you want "

" uuuuhmmm "I had to  think carefully because what did I want ???

"ureka" (or whatever you write it :P)

"haha so i hear you know it"

 "yes I would like a soup noodle and I want a bowl of ice Hey papa"


"" "you have sweetheart haha OK I'm going to make"

"pap where is connor?"

 "he is by his friend playing "

" OK and when can I get back to school?? "

"do you want then?"

"DUUUUHHH" "haha okay tomorrow we look how you go and if it goes well may you tomorrow to school how do you like that?"

"IMRAN JAAAAAHHH PAPA" the day flew by since I went along with my dad all great movies. We have 7 movies:

 1. Bambi

 2. Bambi 2

3. little mermaid

4. little mermaid 2

 5. little mermaid 3

6. Aladin

7. Aladin 2

Yes we have a lot of movies but they were sooooooo funny!!. The very nicest is the  little mermaid. I love that movie he's just sooo cute. Well I lie in bed and Dad tells a story, which really don't as much experience with das normal and they are tad because they are Elves j. Papa says they really exist but Conner says that dad is lying. But that can't because I have seen them . But that says enough for me. Papa is finished telling and now I have to go to sleep. I dream about the adventures from the elves .

The next day "GAAAAAPPPPPPPPP" So I'm awake and I go to school today YEES have make sense because then I see JASON again that is my best buddy but actually to be exact my 3rd best buddy. Because Dick is my 1st best buddy and Wally my 2nd YYEAAH. Dad put me off at school and I see JASON stand I run to him "JASONNNNNN" "KARAAAAAAAAAAAAA" " you are better i see" "jap I'm here again how was  school without me???" "No there was nothing!! ""TRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG "" come jacson let's go "" follow the leader "Haha okay that Jason makes always and everywhere be kidding he sooooo much funnier than Conner who has no humor more nowadays. Hall. We have to color from the teacher, I grab a coloring page with a puppy that is cute

"TRINNNNGGGG" yeah school has ended.

"klara your father asked if I wanted to get you and then you can play and then I bring you home so now you can play with Jason and your brother should also come with me  do you know where he is" "o yeah who comes so I step in" "ok good ooh there is Conner come you with me" "where's Daddy" "which has a meeting come quick step" "OK" We sat with four in the car

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