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"No, stop!"

I shriek with laughter as I bat Yura's outstretched hands away from my ribcage, fits of giggles wracking my body as I twist away from her. She looms over me, holding me down onto her bed's fluffy red comforter with one hand while she mercilessly tickles me with her free hand. I greedily pull for air as her ticklish fingers deprive my lungs of oxygen, tears beginning to spring to my eyes.

"Take it back!" Yura demands lightly, her tickling relentless despite my screeches of laughter and defiance.

"I'm sorry!" I gasp out my first coherent words in the last five minutes. "I'm sorry that I called your clothes ugly, Yura!"

A satisfied smirk playing on her lips, she retracts her hands and sits back, allowing me to soothe my nerves and calm down. "What'd we learn?" She questions.

"Not to call your clothes ugly." I giggle and sit up, eyes drifting to her wardrobe whose doors are standing wide open in welcome. Her clothes are primarily composed of grays, blacks, and whites, with a few other dark-hued shirts hanging among them. Honestly, her clothes aren't anywhere near ugly; I was just looking for something to push her buttons. "I was just kidding, anyway."

"You better be," she says teasingly, wiggling her fingers at me as another fit of laughter seizes my body. "Or else I'm not going to show any mercy next time!"

"Why are you giving me some of your clothes?" I inquire, abandoning my place on the bed to pad lightly across her carpeted floor to her wardrobe. It's definitely plentiful with clothes, but I don't understand why she would purposely give up her own clothes that she must've spent hard-earned money on to someone that she literally met in the same day.

"Because you're staying with Jungkook and I doubt that he's going to allow you to borrow any of his clothes, not that they would fit, anyway. So I'm giving you some of mine that I don't need." She joins me, reaching into the sea of fabric to pull out a few articles of clothing and tossing them onto the bed.

I move to the clothing that's now littering her bed and examine what she had rejected. I notice that she's giving away perfectly-good clothes, like extremely soft sweatshirts, sweatpants, jeans of various colors, leggings, several tops, and, to my embarrassment, a few pairs of underwear and bras that appear to be in perfect condition.

"Yura, this is too much." I frown and run my fingers over the sleek silk of a flowing crimson top. "You can't possibly be giving all of these away."

"Take them." She says breezily, not turning to look at me. "Those are all clothes that either don't fit me or I just don't wear." Yura finally ditches the wardrobe and walks over to the bed, dropping to her knees and lifting up the bed skirt to peer into the vast darkness beneath. I watch as she pulls a large laundry basket from its midst and begins to pile all of the clothes into it. "Did Jungkook give you toiletries?"

I really don't want her to keep giving me things, but my head shakes before I realize what I'm doing. Damn it.

Yura stacks the last pair of jeans atop the nearly-overflowing basket and sighs. "That boy." She begins to move toward another tightly shut door on the other side of the room and vanishes inside before I can object.

"Yura, you really don't have to do this!" I call after her, my eyebrows furrowing as I wait for her return.

"It's really no issue!" She shouts back, and I hear the noisy clanking and clunking of bottles knocking together. Yura emerges a few moments later, bearing a grocery store bag full of unopened toiletries in her arms. She plunks it down next to the laundry basket and turns to look at me, who is currently standing there completely dumbfounded at her kind gestures. "As Satan's daughter, I often receive too many gifts from other male demons that are really trying to bribe me into talking to my father about a higher position for them. So this is really just taking a load off me." She reassures me.

"Are you sure?" I ask uncertainly, eyeing the various items that she had gifted to me.

"Yes, now let's go. I also put some unused and unopened makeup that I would never get to use in here. I'll help you carry things back and then tomorrow we'll go looking for foundation and concealer to match your complexion. I'm willing to bet that you wore it on Earth, so we'll find some for you tomorrow."


"Really, Yura, you're amazing." I comment, seated on her comfortable bed behind her while she perches in front of me and allows me to draw a brush through her silky tresses.

Yura had aided me in unpacking all of the supplies she had given me and had even picked out a more comfortable outfit for me to wear instead of the same outfit that I had been forced to wear for two days. After taking a long shower and moisturizing and using one of her unwanted face masks, I felt reborn and pristine-clean.

I don't understand how she can be so kind to someone that she just met, but what perplexes me more is that she's related to someone as heartless and cold as Jungkook. How does that even work?

Yura giggles, a light sound that instantly twists my lips into a genuine smile. "It's really no big deal." She argues light-heartedly. "But just so you know, you really look cute in that outfit I picked out."

I smile again. I'm clad in a pair of stretchy ebony leggings, a soft crimson crop top that shows off about two inches of my flatter stomach, blood-red fuzzy socks, and red studs that dot my earlobes. It's a cute outfit, yet meant for a lazy day and not too showy. Since my skin is mostly free of acne apart from one or two pimples, I didn't need to worry about anything but a thin layer of eyeliner that gives an exotic twist to my features and mascara to make my eyelashes thick and long. I had left my semi-curly hair to the air to dry after my shower, so it appeared slightly messy yet presentable.

"It is cute, thank you!" I set the brush down and begin to run my fingers through her hair, relishing the way that her locks of soft hair slip through my fingers like water. "I wish I had hair like yours. Yours is beautiful."

"Are you kidding? I would gladly trade my hair for yours!" Yura exclaims. "At least your hair has body."

I laugh. "But your hair is so soft."

"Hmph!" Yura folds her arms playfully across her chest and I laugh again.

For the first time since I arrived here, I actually felt cherished and wanted; like someone actually cares about me. With Jungkook, I felt unwanted and bothersome and just... nothing. But with Yura, I feel light and carefree and happy. She's the one that can make me forget about the unforgettable, pending feelings that I cannot dismiss on my own.

"Oh, hey, it's getting late." Yura says suddenly. My eyes flicker to the clock nailed to the space above her door and I see that she is, indeed, correct. "As much as I hate to say it, you need to get back to Jungkook."

I sigh, knowing that as much as I despise the demon, she's right. I do need to get back to him.

"Thank you for everything, Yura." I say, rising from the bed and making a beeline straight for her bedroom door.

"Of course! I'll come by Jungkook's tomorrow and I'll come see you!" Yura bids me goodbye and I leave the comfort of her room after waving cheerily to her.

I make my way down the dimly-lit corridor, feeling my mood worsen and dip lower the closer I got to Jungkook's room. What would await me on the other side of the door? Will he be angry with me? Will he be in a better mood? I groan unhappily at my mixed thoughts, my feet beginning to trudge as I step up to Jungkook's door. I shiver as I can practically feel the anger radiating from the being behind the door. He must be home.

I steel my nerves and brace myself for any onslaught of verbal abuse that will undoubtedly be cast my way before slowly pushing open the door.

"Jungkook, I-"

My breath stills in my throat as my eyes rest upon the visibly physically-drained demon sitting wearily on his bed, his face swathed in a dark shadow and his eyes mysteriously hidden behind his pitch-colored hair. He lifts his face to the light and a huge chasm of horror yawns in my stomach, consuming me as I stare in utter disbelief at the sight before me.


Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat