"You both have the same name, also the same birthday,” Having the same name was a thing but having the same name AND the same birthday is another thing. “And surprisingly you guys both live in the same city," Miss P looked at us with, I looked at Alex.

“You live–”


“New Haven–”

“Connecticut” We were finishing each other’s sentences

Is this fate?

Name stealer, birthday stealer, CITY STEALER! Who does this guy think he is?! But he's kind of cute so oh well

"That's why we thought Alex Reed sent two applications but instead there are really two applicants! What a small world right?” Miss P was smiling brightly and we just looked at her dumbfound and her smile quickly dropped "Anyway, I am sad to say this, but all the cabins are now booked and the only cabin available is Cabin 12A but we can arrange this, if you guys would still want to attend this summer–” Without letting her finish I immediately cut her off

“Yes!” I said a bit too loud and fast. I can see Alex looking at me from the corner of my eye, so I quickly shrunk back to my seat and nodding at Miss P to let her finish.

“Okay,” Miss P was eyeing me suspiciously “Since you both still want to attend this camp, and like I said earlier the only Cabin left is Cabin 12A, I’m afraid,” This woman said ‘I’m afraid about 50 times now my god. “You both will be staying there.” Miss P sighed.

“But there’s only one bed…” I said

“Yes, I know that, that’s why we will be installing another bed next week.” Miss P said nodding “For the mean time I will be providing you guys some pillows and blankets.”

“Why can’t you just put the other bed on another cabin?” Alex said.

Oh he’s bright too.

“Yeah, what he said.”

“I’m afraid,” she said it again. “We cannot do that, one cabin consist of four people and I believe if we’re going to add another one there won’t be much space.” Miss P explained.

“Oh” All of us stayed quiet and until I thought of something “Wait, why is Cabin 12A only for one person?” I asked

“Well, Mr. Leon Timber, the owner of this camp and also the university, has a son and that son went to this summer camp too and Cabin 12A was specifically built for him but since he already graduated last summer camp he won’t be returning here anymore.”

Oh so that’s why

“So, do you guys have more questions?” Miss P asked

I looked at Alex and he shook his head.

“So,” Miss P clapped her hands together “I guess we’re done here. Welcome to LFC! I hope you guys will do well. Here are your schedules,” She gave us a paper. “We are supposed to give the schedules to the students later during the Photo Fire, but since you guys are here already I thought I’ll personally give it to you.” She smiled lightly

“Thank you.” I smiled back while getting up

Alex and I got out of the main office; we were walking to our cabin quietly when he broke it by asking “What a weird coincidence right?”

“No, I believe its fate that brought us together, and then we’ll get married and have cute babies together.”

Just kidding I didn’t say that instead I said “Yeah sure is.”

Alex and AlexWhere stories live. Discover now