On the Fifth Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me: A Snow Day

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Hey guy, Alex here! Sorry about the missing days. I've been crazy busy. I'm hoping to get caught up between today and tomorrow, so expect some fun Christmas Phan goodness. Thanks for understanding though! Enjoy reading, and happy 7th of Phancember ♡

  The tree is up, the decorations fill the house, and Phil is absolutely elated. His plans are going well, and on top of that, the warm feeling in his soul has yet to fade. He's still in full Christmas-mode. He wakes up on the fifth of December feeling rather groggy. Something, however, feels... different. He sits up and yawns. Everything looks the same, but he still can't shake the feeling that something is out of place. He glances at his window, and that's when he notices what is making him feel so off. Shimmery white snow coats the ground and drifts through the chilly air in perfect little flurries. Phil's feet hit the ground and he's at the window in seconds, his pale nose pressed against the frosted window. He'd predicted that snow would soon arrive, but he had no idea it'd be here this soon.
“Dan! Dan it's snowing!” he hollers. He spins around, runs down the hall, and races to Dan's room. After throwing open his best friends door, he pulls back the curtains in one swift movement and gestures wildly at the winter wonderland scene outside.
“Phil, it's too bright,” groans Dan, pressing his palms to his eyes. Phil huffs and moves the curtain back in place. He flips on the light and sits on the edge of Dan's bed.
“It's snowing!” he repeats excitedly. Dan removes his hands from his face and squints at Phil for a few seconds. Because he has just woken up, his brain is having difficulties processing the words coming out of Phil's mouth.
“Snowing?” he asks, sitting up a bit. Phil nods so quickly that he resembles a bobble head that sits on a truckers dash.
“Yeah, and not just a little. It's an absolute snow storm out there. I know I said it'd probably be snowing soon the other day, but I didn't think it'd happen this fast. Not that I'm complaining, by the way. It's just crazy. I'm so unbelievably excited. We should go... I don't know. We have to do something worthy of this fantastic event. A snow ball fight maybe? Ah, I dunno, but it's going to be great. I'll go make coffee,” he says, not even giving Dan a chance to respond. He rushes out of the room and to the kitchen, leaving Dan by himself. Dan sighs and slowly crawls out of bed. He peers out of the window and finds that Phil was right- it's an absolute snow storm out there. He actually finds it kind of aesthetically pleasing.
He lets the curtain fall back into place and walks to the kitchen, where he finds Phil waiting for coffee and scrolling through his phone. He looks up when he sees Dan and grins.
“I've decided we're going to make snow forts,” he says, setting his phone down on the counter.
“Snow forts?” repeats Dan. His brain still isn't fully awake. He grabs the orange juice from the fridge and pours some in a glass. “Why snow forts?”
“It sounds fun. We can maybe turn it into a competition. We'll see who can make the biggest snow fort in, say, fifteen minutes. You have gloves, right?” asks Phil. Dan slowly sips his juice and combs through his mind. Does he have gloves?
“Uh-” he begins, but Phil cuts him off.
“Never mind that. I think I bought both of us nice waterproof gloves a while back. Hurry up and eat. I'm gonna go see if I can find our coats, boots, gloves, and anything else we might need,” he says. He smiles one last time before scurrying out of the kitchen, leaving his coffee untouched. Dan sets his glass back down on the counter and hurriedly makes a bowl of cereal. Knowing Phil, he'd be back soon and ready to rush outside in seconds. Why exactly did it seem that Phil's ideas kept starting first thing in the morning? For once, Dan would like to be able to wake up without Phil blubbering about some new festive idea. Today, though, he'd give him a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. It was the first snow of December, so it only made sense that his easily excitable friend would be ecstatic. 
After inhaling his food, Dan sets his bowl in the sink. Just as he predicted, Phil was already back. His arms are filled with coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and boots.
“Need some assistance?” Dan asks, taking a few of the items from Phil's arms.
“Thanks,” he drops the remaining items on the floor and begins digging through the pile of cloth.
“These are yours... yours... yours... and yours,” he says, extracting a pair of gloves, a knitted scarf with a matching hat, a pair of boots, and also Dan's coat. “Put all of those on. Don't bother going to get dressed, your pajamas are fine.”
Dan takes the stuff that Phil threw at him and begins preparing himself for today's adventure with PHC. Today, the adventure would be a difficult one. Once he's fully zipped, he looks to Phil for further directions. Phil snaps the last button on his coat and then looks up, a bright smile stretched across his face. Dan's heart melts just a bit. Phil looks like a child ready to go out and play in the snow with his father.
Honestly, that's exactly what he is.
Phil turns around and together they go outside. Phil's foot crosses the threshold and immediately, he becomes a snow demon. All common sense and self control lost, he throws himself into the snow, resembling some kind of eel. He rolls across the ground, laughing and whooping, thoroughly coating himself in the snow around him. Dan looks around awkwardly, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Dan! Come on! This is great!” exclaims Phil. He sits up and looks at Dan expectantly. After a moment of hesitation and the biggest sigh he can muster, he says, “Oh, fine,” and falls into the snow with Phil. They spend their morning making forts and snow angels and snow balls and laughing. They make a snowman and name him Dil. After their fantastic adventure, they go inside and watch TV with big cups of hot chocolate warming them from the inside out.
Today was a successful day for both of them. Hopefully tomorrow would be just as amazing.

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