Book Name: A Beautiful Nightmare

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Title: A Beautiful Nightmare

Author: ohheyitsashlyn

Rating: 9.4/10

Status: Work in Progress

Authors Description: N/A

My review of the story: 

So far it's a creepy scene from a movie where she can't move and is scared shitless but she meets a guy called Seth and hes a really creepy guy. When she runs away from him she is pulled out from her dream and she finds out she's dead. (My description sound stupid but it is really goood)

My Thoughts:

Great emotions, descriptions, atmosphere, cliff hangers, everyhting. The only thing I think lacked forme was the connection towards the end of the end of chapter 1 when I was utterly confused about what was really going on. Explain and emphasise on things that may confuse the audience and try and strengthen the connection with the reader. Could I also say that when I was reading Chapter 1 I was listening to Never let me go - Florence and the machines and it suited the chapter to well. Just saying :) 

Pointers to Audience: 

- A must read for people who are into the realy creepy stories. Don't read if yoursscared easily :)

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