2. A Deal with Death

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Lauren had heard the sounds of Thorn's fight with Murias. The wailing of the towers had seemed to claw at her eardrums and she'd covered her ears as she'd crouched down low in her cage. She'd shivered - her body convulsing with fear and scrunched her eyes tightly shut. Thorn had to win. She'd do anything if only he could win, if only...

A wave of heat had engulfed her and she'd cowered down - shielding her face. Murias' shrill cackle had made her blood ice over. She'd lifted her head and stared up at her grotesque captor. He was grinning, his eyes shining with triumph. The breath had been knocked from her lungs and she'd made an inarticulate sound of despair. Thorn must have lost...

"We have to say a brief goodbye, my dear." Murias had prowled toward her cage. His wings were badly damaged, one had nearly been ripped clean off and was dragging on the ground after him, hampering his progress. "Just for a little while. Only a little while." The bars had vanished suddenly and with trembling legs, she'd staggered to her feet. He'd seized her throat, his foul clammy hands crushing her windpipe and Lauren's eyes had bulged in fear.

Suddenly he'd shoved his mouth against hers. Lauren had tried to scream, struggling against him and the slippery tongue trying to get between her lips. He pulled back, his eyes gleaming with smug satisfaction. "So you'll have me with you," he'd offered as an explanation. She'd lost sight of him, shadow swarmed her but still, she'd heard his voice. "Always."

Lauren had materialised in another part of the Empty Edge, on the lowest level of the Oblivion Crossing beside a familiar-looking teenage boy. He was out of breath, his smooth face scraped and bleeding.

"Thorn?"  She'd exclaimed, barely daring to believe it. He'd nodded. "How?" 

He looked so young, so pure but his honey eyes were wise and solemn. "Thorn, are you ok?" This was all her fault, Murias' power was because of her.

"You're free to go."

Lauren had stiffened, her shoulders tensing as she turned to face the deformed reaper.


"It's ok," Thorn had reassured her. Her heart had shaken with fear at the kindness of his expression.

"You're coming with me?" She'd already guessed the truth. "Tell me you're coming with me." Thorn didn't understand how cunning Murias was. The sick fuck was winning right now – he was getting exactly what he wanted. "Thorn!"


"Thorn!" Lauren sat bolt upright, breathing heavily with sweat dripping down her neck.

"Lauren?" Lewis was by her side in an instant – his gaze anxious. Lauren's heart was hammering in her chest – attempting escape. Fear clawed at the back of the throat and she could taste ash upon her tongue.

She looked frantically around them. They were in a cramped space – she was lying on a sofa – Lewis was sat on a table, leaning over her. Past him she saw Ryder – arms crossed, his expression full of foreboding. His head was brushing against the ceiling and he was having to stoop awkwardly.

"Where- where am I?" Lauren asked, gasping for breath.

"You collapsed – Ryder carried you here," Lewis explained. He put the back of his hand against her forehead. Lauren sighed – Lewis' icy touch soothing her feverish mind.

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