Chapter 47 The Argument.

Start from the beginning

"No!" I was sick of this! No one could be happy for me. Not any of them. "Why isn't Bella being hounded like this?" 

"We're doing this because we love you." My mother said as her voice cracked. But since were stuck in this life forever no tears ever were shed. 

"No you're doing this so I can break up with him." I winced as my own voice sounded more like a wild dog. My head began to pound as if a headache wanted to come. Like my own thoughts were battling with an unseen force. 

"Please!" Rosalie scoffed in annoyance. My eyes flung to her as my anger began to peek. "You know damn well this family would never do that. So stop being a brat and just accept our concerns."  

"Me?" I laughed humorously. "Me?! I'm the brat? You're the one who doesn't like Bella because she's human. You're the one who doesn't like a freaking human girl because she has something you don't; mortality. It happened over a hundred years ago, Rose! Let it go!" 

"Really? Well I'm not the one who was a science experiment. You were strong, Emily. You could have busted out of those cages. No, no you had to play the victim! You have to play the victim in everything! You are the one who put this family at risk in the first place! You are the reason the Volturi never went out of our sights. You are the reason everything went to hell!" 

The both of our chest began to rise rapidly as we let the things set in our minds. That's how she felt. Like I didn't try and leave those cell doors. Like I didn't try and run. "Well that just proves how dumb you actually are, Rosalie. Because obviously know nothing!" I turned towards my parents who stood in shock with what had just been laid our before them. "Don't worry about me coming back tonight!"I stalked forward as I ignored their calls. 

Once I bounded down the stairs, I quickly flicked my phone onto the ground and opened the door, listening to Jasper console my mother. "It's okay, Esme. She just needs time." 

I huffed and slammed the back door the hardest I could without damaging it. I stomped in the mud as it splashed onto my jeans. I didn't feel like running through the woods so instead I walked. Walking cleared my mind faster anyway. I ran my hands through my hair as it began to rain. Each animal and being scattered away as my presence pushed past them. 

How dare they? Hell, how could they? They had no right to question my relationship. To question my relationship was to question me. All they did was judge but of course, darling Bella was a saint. Please, like she wasn't playing Edward and Jacob. 

I stopped as I turned towards the pathway back to my house. The faint lights grew smaller as I walked backwards. Tears began to burn my eyes as my heart grew heavier. H-How could I? Esme and Carlisle were just voicing their concerns, they wanted to talk to me. So why did I get so hostile?

My head began to throb, almost as if I had a heartbeat inside of it. I had a tantrum. One, huge tantrum. "What's happening to me?" I whispered into the wind. My shoulders felt heavy, as if the whole world was bracing against them. My head felt like a bowling ball and all I wanted to do is tear it off. I screamed up at the sky in sadness. Finally letting all of it out. "Is this your way of punishing me?!" 

I stumbled on my own two feet and with human clumsiness I tripped and fell flat on my back. My eyes squinted as the rain fiercely pelted my face with its coldness. Lighting stuck up above and I couldn't help but close my eyes as the storm was the only thing that filled my head. Storms were good. They aloud the world to see just how brutal mother nature could be. It was the natural order of things. 

How could I say those things to Rose. I loved my sister with everything that I had. My family was everything to me, so why was it then ever since Cole and I got home all there was, was tension? None of it made sense. A small part of me thought of Colton. M-maybe it was him. No! Stop it! He's fine. You guys are fine. 

I sighed as I felt the tears mix in with the rain drops. "I wish you were here mom." 

I missed her. Every now and then I would think I would catch a glimpse of her, but then I would look again and there was nothing. If she was here, she'd probably tell me how much of a disappointment I'd be. 

"Emily?" A bell voice questioned out in concern. Alice. Of course she'd be the one to follow me out. 

"What are you doing out here?" I voiced out. Trying my best to use a front. I didn't want her to be here right now. I just wanted to be left alone. But, my family probably already hated me so pushing away the sister who never pushed me or judge me was probably not the best idea. "Shouldn't you be here with someone, you know, in case I snap?" 

"Stop that!" She argued as she stomped towards me. "I came out here to talk to you not to argue." 

I groaned in anger and sat up. "Alice, what do you want?" 

"To talk." She said as she sat next to me in grace. 

"Yeah, I got that, thanks. I meant what about; to tell me that I was making a mistake? That yelling about a situation wouldn't solve anything?" She pursed her lips and continued to stare at the ground. "Yeah that's what I thought." 

"I thought I was the physic?" She mumbled as she picked at at flower she had plucked from the ground. 

I scoffed as I pushed my back up against a wide, Oak tree. "You are. You're just easy to read." I looked away as I felt my sisters eyes upon me. "Is Esme very mad at me?" She wasn't my birth mother but she was the closes thing to it. She was always there for me. No matter what. She was my second mother. Forever and always. 

"She's more sad. She locked herself away in her bedroom. Carlisle can't get her to come out. We're all kind of in shock on how everything turned out. We didn't expect . . . for anything like that to happen."  

I winced as the truth flooded out of Alice's mouth. Great, my mother has locked herself away in the tallest tower and refused to come down. "And the rest of them?" Alice peek through her lashes and glanced back down. "Right." 

"They'll forgive you. I know I do." 

"That doesn't really help with the situation, Alice." I snapped on reflex. I closed my eyes again and pushed out a breath. I didn't want to snap at her, it was just a reaction. I wanted to be left alone, I guess you can never be alone in this family. Alice looked away hurtfully. "I'm sorry, Alice. It's just. . .why don't they like Colton? He left, yes. But does that mean he should be hated forever?" 

"It's not that, Em." Alice whispered. "We just don't think he's good. Here me out! When you came home with him we were all happy for you. Over a hundred years I have watched you be happy but we both know it was for everyone else. Anyway, after a month and a half we started to see a change in you. Its like your a bomb that was lit and didn't go off yet. We're waiting for you to snap. He makes you different and not in a good way." 

I let my sisters words sink into my head. I had been different, more snappish, less unorganized. It's like I have been losing my mind slowly. Was I just stressed with this whole Victoria thing or was my mate actually changing me for the worse? Should I talk to Colton about this. I did notice he's been missing a lot. 

"I don't know, Alice. I hear you. I hear everything that you're saying but I can't leave him. Its like my subconscious won't let me. I-I don't want to be this anyway. I'm happy, I swear I am but there's some sort of depression going on, and I guess I just got jealous of Bella and Edward's relationship and everyone else's. Everyone is so happy with their significant other, I just don't understand why I can't be happy with mine." 

"Do you think maybe, just maybe he's doing this?" 

My eyebrows scrunched together, my head tilting in confusion. "I'm not following." 

Alice scooted closer to me and leaned forward. Almost as if she was whispering. "I can't see him. He's been gone and you've basically had no control of your emotions. Whether you like it or not Emily, that boy has secrets and I don't know if those secrets are going to harm you or not." 

"Alice -" 

"NO! I won't lose my sister over this." We both stared at each in adoration. We both loved each other and I don't think the both of us could live without one another. I loved my sister to the fullest, maybe just maybe she was right about this. 

Maybe it was time to look into this. 

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