Chapter 1

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[Елена's PoV]

1943 Russia.

I've been at war for about two years now. Its crazy. It seemed like it was just yesterday when I was back home with my mum, my grandfather. Still just a young girl. All my time seem to be just taken from me without my knowing.

I took out the very few pictures I had with me and stared at them. The first picture read 1914... Viktor Lukin. My father. He died while serving in the military during World War I. I let a tear run down my cheek as I stared at the picture of my young father before he left for war. I switched photos, it was my mother. I smiled a bit before getting startled by the sudden voice owned by a good teammate of mine.

"Lukin, You Okay?" Александр [Alexander] had asked me as I looked out the tall building we were in.

"Yes... Thank You" I answered him as I looked back at him, whipping the tear from my cheek.

    I put my photos away back into my pocket as I turned back to look out the broken wall of the building we were up in.

"Lukin.. Елена.. You are crying. What's wrong?" Alexander had asked as I sat up properly.

"I'm fine. Really. Just missing my family is all" I told him as I looked up at him

Alexander paused for a moment before he let a sigh out. I looked up seeing him now walking towards me as I remained sitting on the ground. He kneeled down to my level and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gave me a kind reassuring smile.

"I miss my family as well. But you have to stay strong remember. For your mother... your grandfather... For your father" Alexander told me as he wrapped an arm around me. pulling me into a small one armed side hug.

Alexander and I met when I first got moved to this to this unit. Where are we right now? well, some abundant small 'town' in Russia. These buildings are nothing special, most of them are destroyed anyway. We've been here for a while now. We got told to stay put in this small broken town for the next few nights. I guess it's not a bad idea, I could use a break.


It was quiet. The others were either Eating, Reading, or Sleeping. In all honesty, I just wanted to be alone. I was up in my sniper building alone. Just waiting for time to pass. I was once again looking at my photos I had. I stared at the one of my grandfather and me when I was younger. Since my father died in the war, My grandfather is a big part of my life. He helped my mother raise me. I smiled to myself as I had just remembering good memories of him and me.

I thought i'd do a small check in with my squad downstairs. I got up from my spot and grabbed my sniper. I placed my sniper on my back and started heading down the stairs. I walked passed Nikolai as he slept on the ground next to another sleeping soldier.

seemed that almost the whole squad was sleeping.

"Hilf mir bitte"
'Please help me'

a small child's voice called out from nearby. I turned towards the door following the voice. I quickly walked out the semi-small building and towards another next to it. I made my way over and seen a young boy around 9 years old. He wore some dirty clothing, maybe he fell... or has been lost for a while now.

"Ms... P-Please help me," he spoke in a broken voice.

He's a German boy... how'd he get all the way over here?

I took a few steps closer to him. I held out my hand in front of me as I got closer to him. he stood in place, showing some fear as I gotten close to him.

"I won't hurt you," i said as kind as I could.

"Are you... uhh... hat verloren...?"

"Ja" he nodded as I gently placed my hands on his arms.

I looked around as I had this young German boy in my arms now.

"where did you come from?" I had asked myself as I looked around seeing if there was anyone else around.

"....bitte hilfe..."  The boy said in a quieter voice now as he hugged me." do you speak.. ehm.. Russisch...?" I asked

"Nein" he shook his head no.

"okay. come with me. yes?" I said as i slowly got up, grabbing him by his hand.

"Aber vermisse es. Bitte hilf mir, den Weg zurück zu finden. Bitte vermisse es-" the boy whimpered out as we were walking away

"Preis. wo bist du? Preis kommt hier bitte."

[Price. Where are you? Price come here please]

I quickly turned once I heard another mans voice. I didn't recognize the voice. I slightly pushed the boy behind me as I pulled my knife out from my side.

"Preis?" his voice spoke once again.

I turned to my right, Holding my knife in front of me towards where the voice had come from.

"Joseph?" the boy called out causing the man to come out from around the corner.

Once the man had come into view. I then saw a man, in a German uniform.... my knife raised towards him. I kept the boy behind me. He looked right into my eyes, taking a step closer with his hands up in view.

What's a German soldier doing over here? why haven't I attacked him yet? how does this German know this boy? what am I thinking?

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