P2- Testing the waters.

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Day one of knowing the older prince had definitely been awkward and a bit unexpected but day two was worse. Both boys were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, but instead of eating, Kirishima was just staring at him.

He wasn't saying anything but his brows were knitted together almost as if he was trying to read and figure out the young prince. Something Yokozawa found highly agitating, he just wanted to eat in peace.

"Stop staring at me!" The gray eyed boy snapped at Kirishima who continued doing the offensive action. His bright eyes holding nothing but playfulness and amusement.

"You wouldn't notice me staring if you weren't staring right back" Kirishima replied jokingly, only serving to anger the young prince further.

Yokozawa's face turned bright red. It could've been that he was angry but Kirishima knew better. The eight year old was blushing because he'd been called out, not because he was actually upset.

"Thats it!" Yokozawa huffed while throwing down his silverware and stomping out of the dining room, heading outside to the koi pond. He needed to calm down, he couldn't let this obnoxious teenager get to him. He just couldn't.

"Ah, so this is where you hide." Kirishima said, having quietly followed the younger male.

His voice probably would've startled Yokozawa if he hadn't been busy sitting on a rock, staring at his reflection in the water; no emotion in his dull gray eyes.

"I'd like to be left alone." Yokozawa rasped out, voice not as cold. It sounded as if he'd been crying but that couldn't be possible because Kirishima saw no tears or remnants of anything that would indicate that.

"You've been alone too long, haven't you?" Kirishima asked softly while sitting down on the grass in front of the eight year old prince. He wanted to help, to understand this kid who so desperately needed someone to rely on despite having this tough attitude. He just hoped he hadn't arrived too late.

"I suppose so." Yokozawa replied, staring up at the sky, a small burning sensation beginning to snake it's way up his throat all the way to his eyes.

"You talk so mature for an eight year old." Kirishima commented. Never in his thirteen years had he heard an eight year old speak or carry themselves in such a dignified manner. It was honestly impressive and a bit terrifying.

"I guess that has to do with the fact that I lost my mother when I was five. My father wanted me to grow up faster and wouldn't tolerate me speaking improper. He called it childish and stupid. So he hired a tutor to brighten up my vocabulary." Yokozawa replied, his voice dull as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

What the hell did that man do to this poor kid? That's definitely not right and borderline sadistic. Kirishima thought before shaking off his anger and smiling brightly. "Enough sad talk, lets play hide and seek!"

"Hide and seek?" Yokozawa repeated in a confused voice. He had no idea what that was and admittedly was a little embarrassed. Was that a lesson in etiquette or something, had he not been paying enough attention to his multiple tutors and missed this lesson?

"Yeah. Its when one person counts and the other hides." Kirishima explained vaguely making Yokozawa tilt his head like a confused puppy. Kirishima found the gesture to be quite adorable and couldn't help but smile softly at the boy. He had no idea why he'd actually believed the King of the Norths' cruel words. This boy was not a brat or a nuisance, he was just oblivious and innocent.

"Fine, I'll show you how to play." The teenager stated while standing up, and hoisting Yokozawa off of the rock where he was sitting.

The eight year old stared at his wrist that was in Kirishima's grasp and yanked it back. Not at all used to anyone really touching him. It felt too foreign and unfamiliar for his liking. And honestly, he despised it. He hated feeling the warmth that anyone generated directly against him.

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