"First team to ten points wins?" Craig asked. They agreed, and then they were off with the competition.

Tyler went first and almost made it, but he fell of the building. "Hell yeah, you guys can suck my dick!" Tyler cheered. Evan and Craig rolled their eyes.

"Tyler, you got two points. You still got a long way too go," Craig pointed out.

"Shut up, Craig." Jonathan and Evan giggled, and Jonathan took the remote. He missed completely. He pouted and he handed the remote to Craig.

"Man, this game is rigged!"

"It's only been your first try, chill out Del," Craig laughed. He hit the building, so that was one point for his team. Evan got three points, which landed them at four.

"Dammit! They're already winning! We gotta catch up," Tyler told Jonathan as he grabbed the remote from Evan's hands. He got another two points, which he cheered for again. Jonathan got one point that time, which got another cheer from Tyler.

"You guys are way too dramatic, I swear," Evan laughed as he got the remote from Craig.

"Hey, at least we're optimistic," Tyler pointed out, giving Jonathan a high five when Evan missed completely.

A few minutes later, they were tied 7 to 7. "Tyler, you have to get on top of the building, we can't lose this," Jonathan told him in all seriousness. Tyler rolled his eyes and focused on the screen with a smirk.

"Oh, just watch me, baby." The car teetered on the edge, but didn't fall off. Tyler was able to get the car all the way on, and he and Jonathan cheered. "Fuck yeah!" He yelled, laughing. Jonathan was bouncing in his seat in happiness as he laughed, and then he did the unexpected.

He grabbed Tyler's face and kissed him right on the lips.

Tyler's laugh was cut off abruptly and replaced with a noise of confusion. Evan and Craig began laughing, more than Tyler thought they should have been.

Jonathan pulled back from the kiss and pull Tyler into a hug. Tyler felt his cheeks heat up when he slowly realized what had happened. Evan and Craig were laughing even harder now. They earned a glare from Tyler, who still hadn't hugged Jonathan back. That was solved by Jonathan grabbing Tyler's arms and wrapping them around him, forcing a hug.

When Jonathan pulled back from that, he was grinning widely. "What are we gonna do next?" He asked Tyler excitedly. Before Tyler could even say anything (well, more like before he could think of saying anything; his head was still in the gutter after that kiss), Craig and Evan were giggling.

"Uh, Jon, shouldn't you let Tyler clean up before we do anything else?" Evan snickered. Jonathan frowned and looked over at Tyler.

"What do you mean? He looks fine," Jonathan argued. Craig snorted and brought out his phone, pulling up the camera app. He put it on selfie mode and turned it so Tyler could see. Tyler's mouth was covered in red paint, though it was kind of messy.

Tyler blushed even more, which gained more snickers out of Evan and Craig. "What are you guys laughing about?" Jonathan asked. He was so confused about the situation.

"Jon, you're really gonna let Tyler walk around with red paint on his lips?" Craig asked. Jonathan looked back at Tyler once more, and his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, that's what you mean!" Evan and Craig went into hysterics at that point.

"Yes, that's what we mean, dumbass!" Craig squeaked out, practically crying in laughter. Evan put his head on Craig's shoulder as he laughed.

"You guys are making it seem more funny than it actually is," Tyler mumbled as he slowly got out of the previous shock he was stuck in.

"What do you mean? That was fucking hilarious, oh my god," Evan laughed, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah man, you two are gay as fuck." Craig added, giving Evan a high five.

"Well-well so are you!" Jonathan sputtered out, crossing his arms. He wasn't blushing, but Tyler definitely still was.

"Oh yeah? Name one legitimately gay thing I have done."

Jonathan opened his mouth to say something, but shut it when he realized they were right.

"Go on, I'll wait," Craig teased, knowing he had won.

"Shut up!" Jonathan yelled, only blushing out of embarrassment of failing to find a good comeback.

"Come on guys, let's find something else to do," Evan urged, getting tired of their argument.

"And have Tyler with that stupid fucking paint on his lips? I think not!" Tyler rolled his eyes, and he began to smile.

"What if I like the paint, hm? What are you gonna say to that?" He crossed his arms, waiting for a reply. Craig's mouth dropped, Evan began to giggle, and Jonathan looked at Tyler with wide eyes before smiling brightly.

"Okay, one, that's pretty gay Tyler. And two, I think you just broke Mini Ladd." Craig shook his head, but his mouth still hung open.

"TYLER. I swear to god if you don't hook up with Delirious right now I'm going to shove you too in a closet and force you to make out or something." Evan laughed, and Tyler began blushing again (he silently cursed Craig for that; he had just gotten it down when he said that, the little bastard). Jonathan looked up at Tyler and smiled.

"Then consider it done, Mini," he said before pulling Tyler back down into a kiss. Evan and Craig cheered them on, and this time, Tyler kissed back.

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