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thePRICEisright: guys if you think about it there's more nipples in the world than there are humans

arcadiabae: OMF

prescotty: damn shits deep

Icky Vicky: that's crazy

MaxMcfly: omg you guys are in the same room why are you texting??

thePRICEisright: because you didn't want to join us so we wanna get you informed

arcadiabae: waaaiit what happens if I get scared half to death twice???

thePRICEisright: that's fucking crazy

prescotty: you guys are blowing my mind

MaxMcfly: *facepalm*

grahammatical-error: this is actually entertaining lol

MaxMcfly added katie to the chat.

katie: hey guys

grahammatical-error: hey kate

MaxMcfly: hey how'd it go with your mom?

thePRICEisright: sup marshmallow

Icky Vicky: hi katiekins

katie: um?

MaxMcfly: ignore them

katie: she ended up calling principal Wells and giving me 'the talk' and said you guys are a terrible influence

MaxMcfly: we're not

thePRICEisright: I am so fucking stoned rn you should try this kate

MaxMcfly: maybe she does have a point...

prescotty: guys theres no need for the alphabet to be in alphabetical order..

arcadiabae: CONSPIRACY

grahammatical-error: that's actually deep shit

Icky Vicky: FUCK

katie: are they alright?

MaxMcfly: they're smoking at Chloe's house

katie: warren too?

MaxMcfly: no he's just entertained by them

grahammatical-error: I GOT ONE

grahammatical-error: why is a pizza box square but the pizza is circle and the slices are triangle???

MaxMcfly: . ... at least I don't think he's high :/

thePRICEisright RIVHT

arcadiabae: wtfffff

prescotty: OMFGGG

katie: aren't they in the same room

MaxMcfly: yep

Icky Vicky: life is...

Icky Vicky: weird

MaxMcfly: close enough.

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