Chapter 2

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When Belle got back home, tired and weary from her rotten day at school, she still couldn't shake the feeling that she could have done something, anything, to save the life of her best friend. She slumped onto her bed, sobs wracking through her ribs and tearing at the back of her throat. She sobbed thoroughly, teeth clenched tightly as she tried to fight the feeling of remorse that pulsed more with every heartbeat. She already missed the way her blue eyes crinkled when she smiled, the way Hetty's rich laugh made her heart flutter and melt. Yes, Belle Harrison did have a crush on Hetty Keynes. And yes, Belle was gay. As straight as a circle. She had realised when she entered year 9, when she found herself uninterested in men and hypnotised with the way that Hetty moved, the way she spoke, even the way she laughed. She had pined after her for two whole years, yet she never had the confidence to confess her feelings -  even to the girl that she felt she could confide anything to.
It doesn't matter now, though. She's dead. Fat, salty tears ran from her eyes profusely, down her anguished features, as she realized it for the hundredth time that day.
At that moment, when she had almost been pulled into a spiral of pure self-contempt, a deep voice arose from the darkest corners of her room.
"Um, hello there, Miss. Harrison. I believe I may be able to help you."

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