30. Life Is Beautiful

Start from the beginning

Abhimanyu: I don't want to see that glass falling and falling and never touching the ground ever. So, please don't drop it.

She dropped the glass and it broke into pieces with a loud sound. It jittered him out of his  hazy trance like state and got him more awake.

Abhimnyu: Are you real? How did you just walk in then? He watched her picking up glass pieces and throwing in bin.

Raina: You see the keys. She said showing him the keys, "I have the keys to your house."

Abhimanyu: How?

Raina: That I will tell you later, but now we got to go. I don't have much time. She opened the closet, got the suitcase out and started packing his clothes.

Abhimanyu: Where are we going? He asked smoking.

Raina: You are going to rehab now. I have already enrolled and made all other arrangements for your stay there.

He laughed," I am not going to any rehab."

Raina: You know, you can fuck all the women in the world for all I care, but you got to fucking get out of your this fucking retirement. She said staring him in eyes.

Abhimanyu: I haven't fucked in last four years, but you know, I can't function without these drugs. I can't leave them. He looked in her eyes.

She looked at him and swallowed down the lump formed in her throat  from what he just told her.

Raina: How do you look at the person you love and tell yourself to leave him to die?

Raina: Tell me? She asked crying.

He gulped, "You deserve better. I have truly always wanted happiness for you".

Raina: You are my happiness! If you are not there, I am not happy. You think you'll leave and I'll be happy in some part of the world. No. You'll go, but take life from inside me. Is that what you want to chose for me? Leave me living lifeless with tears forever, because once people go, there is no way we can bring them back. She cried.

He looked at her emotionally loaded just like her.

Raina: You helped me and walked me to this pedestal of name and fame. I didn't refuse your help. And now that I want to walk you out of this dark to light, you don't have an ego and refuse me.

Raina:  Hold my hand Abhimanyu. She offered her hand to him.

He held his hand. He loved her too much to chose lifelong tears for her.

Abhimanyu: I am too deep into them. I don't know if I can do this.

Raina: You were determined to make me this, and you did. I don't see  why if you are determined to quit your addiction, you wouldn't be.

                 They traveled in the taxi she hired from the airport to drive them to the international luxury de-addiction center located in the midst  of tranquil mountains of a hill station outside Mumbai. He fell asleep in the car and when they reached the center it was breaking dawn. The driver got out the car to stretch leaving them in. 

She woke him,"Hey! We reached".

"Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating?" he asked opening his eyes on her.

"No, you are not. Let's go in and see your new home for next six months or may be more," she smiled at him.

"Hah! Do I really have to go?"he groaned.

"Ya, because if you don't go, I will forget all about non-violence. And won't mind doing practicals to show why we should practice only non-violence."

Hopelessly in Love {Completed} {#Dec 2017}Where stories live. Discover now