Chapter 8 ✿New Arc✿

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I do NOT own Katekyō Hitman Reborn! The original Manga Writer is Akira Amano and Published by Shueisha. The Anime Director is Keichi Imaizumi.
I only own Luna and her partners!

Luna's POV

I woke up to see that my body is on the other side of the room, I have a new scratch on my arm, and the Vindice are here.

A metal collar was suddenly strapped onto me and I was beginning to be dragged towards the bandaged faced men. "Luna-sa!" Shouted Sawada-san. "Daijoubu, daijou... it's fine, Tenth... I've been in hiding and suffered with the memories of my past for too long. I think it's time, for me to be trailed by the law now... and most likely, disappear..." I breath out, a weak smile gracing my face.

"But you didn't do anything wrong! You had no control over your actions! You shouldn't be punished for something because you were forced and raised into the crime!" Sawada-san shouted, I smiled at his kind words. "Domo... arigato... Vongola X..." And with that, I was dragged away, along with Mukuro and his two buddies.

Time Skip ~ Tsuna's POV

We all finally made it to second year, but we're all in different classes. Gokudera-kun started ranting until a very scary and familiar voice called us out.

We turn to see... Hibari-san!? "Didn't you graduate?" I ask. "I'm free to choose what grade I'm in. Nobody can use conventional wisdom to restrict me." Was his only, very scary answer.

Hibari-san was about to lash out at us when someone called out on him. "Kyoya-kun! Stop picking fights!" We turn to see... Luna-sa!?

She ran over to us, with 5 wolves running next to her. "Luna-sa?! I thought you were taken away by the Vindice!" I shout.

"I was, but in the middle of my trial, this one broke into the trial room and threw me over his shoulder before leaving the room, stating that he'll be watching over me." Luna pointed her thumb at Hibari. "The only condition was that I'd have to be chained to this guy for three days, which was easy and awkward. Oh! and I have to live with him, but its not that bad."

We all nodded before Yamamoto-kun voiced a question. "Why did Hibari-san save you like that?" We all stared at the intimidating student. "Disciplinary Committee can't afford to let a member to arrested by the mafia. It'll bring a bad name to Namimori Middle." And with that, he left. "I don't have classes anymore so I've got to stick with Kyoya-kun, see you guys later." Luna winked before running after her leader, the five wolves following in suit.

A sly grin formed on Gokudera-kun's lips. "Hey, you guys don't think that Hibari... you know... likes that woman?" He asked us in a teasing tone. "Hahaha! It sure seems that way!" Yamamoto-kun laughs. "That would hopefully make him be less violent... but if something ever happened to her... then Hibari-san would...." I paused my sentence and we all shivered at the thought if what would happen.

Hibari's POV

Luna an I went back to the school lounge after my morning patrols were over. "Here you are, just the way you like it; no sugar, no cream." Luna said as she placed a cup of coffee in front of me.

I nodded my head in thanks before taking a sip as I read through some files. 'She's really handy in the kitchen...' I inwardly noted.

As I continued my work, I could tell that her wolves were starring or glaring at me, especially the large grey one.

As time passed, I finished up my work and Luna fell asleep on the couch, curled up into a ball, sleeping soundly.

I shook her shoulder. "Oi. Get up." I said, reserving no answer other then a sleep filled moan. "Oi!" I said in a louder volume. She still Disney wake up.

The youngest of her wolves hoped over to my side. "She's no going to wake up anytime soon~ You're gonna have to carry her home~" I'm not too sure I like the tone that little thing spoke in.

Giving up and letting out a sigh, I lifted Luna up bridal style and walked to the exit. As I walked, with the wolves following behind me, Luna shifted slightly, her cheek rubbed against my chest.

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