Chapter 1

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a/n: I know that Richard bought the Harley bike after '21 Jump Street' and rode it only in 'Booker', but I had to write it like he was riding it from the beginning, for the sake of the fic. ;)
Also the story is situated in Season 4 of '21 Jump Street' and after episode 1 of 'Booker'.


Her light brown hair was up in a ponytail and she was trying to keep herself occupied with paperwork, but it seemed to her everything in the chapel was running too slow. Even the fact that Harry had finally woken up from the coma didn't make her feel as happy as she wanted to be. The day felt too long, especially when she wasn't on a case but had only reports to fill and sign, not to mention she had to sit on her desk that was just opposite his and had to look at the empty chair only to be reminded that he was never going to use it again.

She sighed and lifted her green eyes from the pages she was currently filling in, turning her head to look around herself at the others and see what they were doing; Judy was silently doing some paperwork too, while Penhall was sitting on his chair chatting with Hanson (whose eyes occasionally drifted to her whenever she wasn't looking) and the folder in his hands was long forgotten. At the mere sight of the large goofy cop though she clutched her pen harder and it took everything for her not to throw it at him. Even though everything had finally gotten straight, Tom was out of jail and he had gotten his badge back, Doug's words still rang loudly in her ears and even if both of them had declared truce and had joined forces in their mission to help Hanson, she didn't want to think about how the person they were аctually aimed at had felt when he heard them. Yes, she was there and saw his reaction, but how did he feel she could only imagine.

"You guys are acting like I killed him!"

Booker sounded angry and she could clearly see in his eyes that he was hurt from the way Hoffs and Penhall were acting towards him.

"No, Hanson and Ioki ain't dead, but as far as I'm concerned, you are."

Booker only glared, but she couldn't help but raise her hand.


She had backhanded Penhall across the face. Both him and Dennis stared at her shocked for a couple of seconds before Booker snapped back to reality and started to walk away. Michelle quickly ran after him.

Even though later she had apologized to him and they had made up, every time when she recalled Penhall spitting the words at Dennis' face, she felt her blood begin to boil again.

How dared he?!

Everyone in the chapel were her second family and she had always loved and cherished Doug as the big brother she never had. But hearing him spat those words at Dennis, at the man who had captured her heart from the first moment they'd met and she had stared into his dark eyes, had really hurt her. She had never seen Doug like this before, and she knew that Hanson going to jail had hit him hard, but somehow Penhall had changed. He wasn't the funny, goofy guy who'd always make everyone laugh even at darkest times; he was dark and bitter and was always moody. Now with his best friend being there again she could see the old Doug Penhall slowly coming back.

She turned her head back, leaning in the chair and closing her eyes. Letting her thoughts run wild once again she groaned realizing that whatever she was thinking about, there was one person who was always invading her thoughts.

Dennis Booker.

She felt her lips curling into a small smile at the memory of when they'd first met.

When she arrived at the chapel she checked her watch and realized she was a bit early but she only shrugged her shoulders and climbed out of her convertible. She was wearing a black denim jacket, white t-shirt, black jeans, white trainers and her hair was in a tight ponytail. She started walking to the stairs when she noticed a blue Harley 1982 Shovelhead and stopped in her tracks to admire it.

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