Chapter 5

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Door opens and it's Stephanie

Stephanie:aah Taneesha It's you or Princess T.A.V. what u wanna be called

Taneesha:Taneesha is good if u want

Stephanie:ok so what can I help u with

Taneesha:I think I should be released now

Stephanie: ( gasps with wide eyes shocked by what Taneesha said)what why is everything OK did anyone do anything

Taneesha: no no I'm fine well not really I don't think I belong here I think I should leave in stick to what I always do which is School dance and my singing career I'm just going through a lot of stress right now and I need something lifted off my shoulders I'm doing a lot for a 17 year old and I feel like nobody really likes me so I think I should just leave I know tomorrow is the WWE Hall of Fame so maybe I'll go but that and tonight will be the last time I will be with the WWE plus people think I'm trying to be like my father Rey Mysterio and I'm not I already have people thinking I'm trying to be like my mother whose a great singer and I'm not I'm just trying to be like every other young girls dream to be a singer and every child's dream to be a wrestler or some kind of powerful fighter or superhero but it seems like I can't do that I don't fit in with this crowd so tonight will be my last match I know I started a week ago or two weeks ago so you can announce it whenever you want I think I need to put it in to this now I'm so sorry for coming to you with such sad news

Stephanie:aaawww OK well if u change ur mind ur spot will be here Taneesha it will always be here once a diva always a diva but I totally get it you are 17 really young and you are basically living a grown-up lifestyle now you have a group of your own which you guys are good by the way and that you're still in high school trying to finish so you can go off to college and then you trying to find a home for yourself when you go to college and you have your own group can be hard and you know I never went through this stuff but I can feel how you feel right now so if you need a break you can have a break if you need to leave for quit you can quit

Taneesha:thank u Stephanie I'm glad u understand

Stephanie: no problem Taneesha

She Leaves out and starts crying

Taneesha:maybe I should go back too being who I use 2 be(walls to the divas locker room and sees all the woman)act natural

Naomi:heyy ho-have you been crying

Taneesha: (under breath)shit...umm no just had allergies I'm gonna get ready now(runs out to makeup people and they do my hair and makeup after that I go back too the locker room to get dressed)

Few minutes later

Bella twins theme comes on and they come out

Ring announcer:this following contest is a divas battle royal welcoming to the ring from Scottsdale,Arizona with a combined weight of 251 pounds Nikki and Brie the Bella Twins

They walk down the ramp and go inside the ring

Another theme song comes on

And Rosa comes out

Ring announcer:Rosa Mendes

She goes inside the ring

Another theme song comes on

Ring announcer:Alicia Fox

She goes inside the ring

Ring announcer:Eva Marie

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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