The Royals Part 2

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The next afternoon, Knight tryouts have begun. The first gent up,

"And you are..." King William asks.

"Julian Flowers my lord." The gentleman answers.

"and Julian, what makes you so worthy to be a knight?" The King questions him.

"Well, sire. I am loyal, and protective. I am known to be quite tenacious." Julian replies.

"I see. Too fat! Next!!" King William shouts.

"And what is your name?" The King asks.

"Christopher Fezziwig my lord." Christopher answers.

"And what makes you perfect Knight material?" King William questions him.

"I can kick major ass, no one gets to you without going through me. You wouldn't find a better man for the job." Christopher explains.

"You sound perfect! You're hired! Next one!" King William declares.

"Who are you then?" The King says to the next terrified guy.

"Barnaby Turner your majesty." The man answers and bows to his lordship.

"Barnaby, tell me, what make you fit to be one of my Knights?" King William demands.

"Well my lord, I am very lazy. I never feel like doing anything. I am tired all the time, and just looking at your wife makes me randy."Barnaby answers.

"Nope, definitely not! Next!" The King barks.

"Whose next! You sir, what's your name?"

"Clark Evans sire. I think I would make a good knight because I am loyal,noble, I can wield quite the sword my lord and I know when to follow orders of my king and not ask any questions." The man finishes.

"You are wonderful! Welcome to the Knights Clark, or should I say Sir Clark." King William pronounces. "Two more, come come, who is the next one, keep them coming." The King adds.

"Adam Morgan your majesty. I am not even sure why I am even here to begin with. My mother made me come sir. I wanted to stay home and sleep all day." The boy answers.

"Go on home then. You're dismissed. Wasting my bloody time! I am getting tiresome, one more please. Who you then young man?"

"Who I am doesn't matter sire. What does matter is I will be your best knight. I am cunning, intelligent, ruthless, and you wouldn't find a harder worker. I will do anything in my power to protect my king."Then the young man bows.

"Very nice answers there boy. I am impressed. But I can't allow you to join if I don't know your name." Then the boy does the most surprising thing, he removes his hat and long flowing blonde hair comes down and it isn't a boy at all but a girl!

"Elris Your Highness, at your service and disposal" She bows.

"Well,I must say! I was not expecting this! Regardless, Welcome to the Realm of Knights." The King joyfully exclaims.

"Thank you your majesty." Elris bows again.

"No no need for that. Training starts tomorrow morning." And with that,the King gets off his throne and exits.

In the next room, Queen Phoebe is sewing in the corner, while Prince Edmund is happily playing with his wooden sword, when he stops, turns to his mother and says,

"Mummy, Should I be worried about Uncle Fieryo?" Frozen in her spot, but not wanting to worry the boy she says,

"Your uncle likes to over exaggerate a bit. For the time being, you have nothing to worry about."

"Ok,Mum." Prince Edmund replies. Feeling pleased with herself, Queen Phoebe let out a sign of relief. Then so Edmund won't ask anymore questions, she says,

"Why don't you go get your History book and we will work on your History lessons."

"Moooom! Ok fine," and he go gets his books. Leaving Queen Phoebe pleased with how she handled that.

That night, Queen Phoebe is just about to get ready to go to bed when she sees a red rose with a note attached laying on her bed. The note read"You will be mine. love always, F." Creeped out, She shivers and throws the note and rose away.

Meanwhile,in Fiyero's chambers, After he gets done pleasuring himself with images of Queen Phoebe, he washes his hands and decides, it is time to plot his revenge on his brother.

So,he called his sidekick, Boq.

"Boq,if you were extracted revenge on your king brother and you wanted to take everything he loved away from him, how would you do that?"Fieryo asks his companion.

"It depends sir, If the king loved just his money, you could have him framed and then kicked out of his seat so he's poor." Boq answers.

"Nah,I am not feeling it, What else you got?" Fieryo responds.

"We can make The King look like a Tyrant, so that the people and his wife turn on him and it makes you look like the hero?"

"Clever, but it would never work. The Queen is in love unfortunately, she will stand by her man, no matter what." Fieryo replies.

"Well,sir. If I were you, I would try and ruin the life of the Prince and then when the moment is right, Kill him." Boq answers.

"Brilliant my boy! And what about this, we kill the Queen too, because if I can't have her, then no one can! Even in death." Fieryo adds on.

"Isn't that a little unnecessary sir?" Boq tries to reason.

"Nonsense!"Fieryo dismisses.

"But sir.." Boq starts.

"Not now Boq, my wheels are turning." Then Fieryo pushes Boq away and goes back into his bedroom.

In the King and Queen's bedroom, Queen Phoebe is telling her husband about the rose and note that she found on their bed from Fieryo.

"That bastard!! I am going to murder him! No one tries it on with my wife!"King Williams shouts.

"Calm down my love. Nothing has happened yet. And I swear, I have never ever encouraged him in any way. You are the one I am in love with.You are the only one for me. But oh William, I am so worried. His obsession with me is getting worse. He is a dangerous man. Who knows what he will do next?" Queen Phoebe says worryingly. King William embraces his wife and says,

"There is no need to panic my dear. I am here and I am not gonna let anything happen to you or the kids. All of you, are my world. Nothing bad will happen to you as long as I am King."

"Oh thank you my love. I don't know what I did to deserve you." Queen Phoebe says.

"Nor I my darling." King William answers, then he lifts her chin up and kisses her.

"Now,show me what your brother is missing out on." Queen Phoebe says seductively,whispering in his ear. Without much convincing, the King unbuttons her nightgown, and throws her on the bed. He then climbs on top of her and starts to kiss her neck. Nuzzling it, she throws her head back. He then flips her over and fucks her from behind. She begs him to go harder, taunting him along the way.

"Rule me! Like you rule your kingdom! Better than your brother ever could! Conquer me! Conquer me with your big sword"

Until he can't take it anymore and says,

"As you wish!" and flips her back on her back and makes love to her gently. This cat and mouse game between the two royals goes on all night, until the sun comes up and worn out, they cuddle in each others arms for as long as possible.

End of Chapter 2. 

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