Chapter 1

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Do you ever wake up one morning and know it's going to be a bad day? Yeah. Well that's me. I'm a twenty-two year old with a habit of having bad days. It's strange that when I was young, I was full of life, but now I'm just a miserable disappointment. It's always been funny to me that parents as powerful as mine, could have a such a bastard of a child.

"Tony! We have a customer at the register! Get your ass out there!"

Here we go again. Before going out to greet this oh-so-important customer, I take a deep breath. 'I freaking hate this job', my wolf, Lettie, complains. 'We both end up being too tired to run and we need to do it soon. If not, it's gonna hurt like holy hell.' Yeah. That's Lettie. Always complaining about working all the time. 'Oh! Do you smell that?' I ask. 'Yeah. I think normal wolves call that the scent of....' I start asking of what when she screams 'MATE!!!!' Uh-oh. Not again. 'We already talked about this Let. We don't get a second chance mate. The Moon Goddess made sure of that.' I say as I walk out from the back of the bakery. I look up at the customer and I swear to the Moon, I forgot to breath. He was hella gorgeous, but also very dangerous. I immediately knew who he was. He was Xavier Blake, the most feared Alpha since my parents. And he just so happened to smell really good.

"It's rude to stare" he growled. And when I say growled, I mean it. 'Well isn't he just charming' I sarcastically say to Lettie, but she's too busy trying to get me to apologize. 'No! He's an ass.' "Well it's rude to growl." I counter, "I don't give two shits who you are so just tell me what you want and leave."  He stood there for a long time, as if he was trying to decide to kill me now or later. Then, after what felt like forever, he leaned in close and said "I want you dead."

Wow. That was shocking. Not. Everyone wanted me dead. "Tony! What the hell are you doing? Didn't you take his order?!" screamed my boss, Theresa. "Oh. It's an Alpha. Great. Just start destroying it now. At least I'll be able to pay it off this time." I knew exactly what she was talking about but the Dipshit over the counter was totally confused. Terri just looked at me and sighed, then turned and walked back to the office. I reached down for a pair of gloves, put them on and grabbed a chocolate chip muffin. I put it in the little container and handed it to him. I turned to leave when he cleared his throat, causing me to jump. "Listen," he started, "I sorry I said that to you. I'm just really confused." I looked at him and tried to give him a bedazzling smile. "Not a problem! Now, do you want french or Italian?" I ask. He just kind of looked at me with a very confused look. "French coffee or Italian coffee. I'll buy it for you. As an apology." He sucked in a breath. "What kind do you recommend?" 'Oh boy.' Lettie sighed. 'Here we go again.'

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