Chapter 3

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That day was everything they could have hoped for. Will was beyond ecstatic to find out he had a son. He spent the majority of the day getting to know Henry and telling him stories from the sea.

"Did you really go all the way to the Locker just like Mum said?" Henry asked Will, sitting on his lap in the living room. They had been like that for quite some time; Elizabeth sitting across the room from them in a chair, smiling at them. Will shared a quick knowing look with Elizabeth and replied, "Yes, we did. It was a long and very difficult voyage but we needed Captain Jack."

"Because he had one of the pieces of eight, right?"

"That's exactly right. Do you know that your mother had one of the pieces of eight as well?" Henry began to nod enthusiastically.

"Yes, she had a necklace from...from..."

"Sou Fang" Elizabeth reminded him.

"Right! And he sailed the Empress!"

They continued to rehash stories and talk about what Henry liked to do and was learning in his lessons through dinner and kept telling stories until Will and Elizabeth noticed Henry had fallen asleep, his head in Will's lap and his body stretched out on the couch.

"I can take him to bed." Elizabeth stated, begining to rise from her chair.

"Please, let me." Will said gathering his son in his arms and lifting him up. Elizabeth led the way to Henry's room and prepared his bed for Will to lie Henry down. Will placed him down and tucked the blankets around his son, then placed a kiss on his forehead. Backing up he brought Elizabeth into his embrace.

"You have done an amazing job raising him." He whispered into her ear. She turned in his arms to place a kiss on his lips. "Thank you."

With dawn approaching the three made their way, hand-in-hand, to the shore. The heaviness from the looming goodbyes hung in the air. They walked in silence, enjoying their last few moments together. Each shared the same thought: 10 more years is a long time. None had any idea how they had made that long before but this time seemed harder. Standing there watching his father sail away, a single tear falling from Elizabeth's eye, Henry knew this wasn't fair. 

"I am going to find you one day father and bring you home!" Henry shouted as the sky flashed green before his eyes.

It had been a few months since that fateful day. Each of the Turners found themselves incredibly discouraged. Nothing seemed to be able to lift their spirits. Henry no longer asked for stories before bed. Elizabeth had a hard time making herself do anything around the house and putting effort into her work. Will was coming dangerously close to abandoning his duties as Captain of the Flying Dutchman.

As the years crept by at an agonizingly slow pace, Elizabeth and Henry fell back into their routine of living their lives and waiting for Will. Elizabeth had to chase away the thoughts that she couldn't live like this for the rest of her life. Why can't women sail on the Dutchman anyways? Henry had become rather obsessed with the legends and curses of the sea. He had to learn everything he could to free his father. They had hear rumors that the Flying Dutchman hadn't been spotted for a long time. While they were worried for Will, the thought never crossed their minds that something bad happened to him. 

Henry had come up with the theory that Will had just given up and was probably becoming more like his mother had described Davy Jones, though he never shared this thought with her. Will and Elizabeth have never figured out how, but Henry had worked out where the Dutchman was hiding. He snuck out of the house one night and stole away on a dingy that Elizabeth had acquired over the years. He rowed out to where his father was, tied a weight around his leg, and jumped into the water. 

He kept going down until the weight hit the top deck of the Flying Dutchman. All of a sudden the water around him began to disappear as the boat raised to the surface. He looked around trying to catch a glimpse of a familiar face.


"Henry. What have you done?" Will asked, bewildered by his son's presence aboard the ship.

"I said I'd find you."

"Look at me, son." Will pleaded, finally revealing his barnacle covered face. 

"I don't care!"

"There is no place for you on the Dutchman." He said. He started looking around for the source of the movement he could hear. "They know you're here...get home to your mother." She must be so worried about him. 


"Leave now," Will said cutting the rope attached to his son's foot, "before it's too late."

"I won't!" Henry exclaimed. "I'll never stop...and if you throw me over, I'll come straight back."

"Don't you see, I'm cursed to this ship?"

"That's why I'm here. I think I know a way to break your curse," Henry explained. "To free you from the Dutchman."

"Henry, no."

"I've read about a treasure." He said, cutting Will off before he could say anything else. "A treasure that holds all the power of the sea, The Trident of Poseidon can break your curse."

"Henry," Will said bringing his son into a hug. "The Trident can never be found."

"I found you."

"It's just a tale."

"Like the tales of you and Captain Jack Sparrow?" Henry asked, pulling away.

"You stay away from Jack," Will exclaimed. "Leave the sea forever. You have to stop acting like   a-"

"A pirate? I won't stop. I want you to come home." As he said this the Dutchman began to make it's descent back to the dark abyss. 

"Henry, I'm sorry. My curse will never be broken." Will tore off his necklace and placed it in Henry's palm. "This is my fate, you must let me go. I love you son."

The water began to rise faster around the two on the deck as the boat started to sink again. Will watched as his son struggled to stay under as long as possible, watching the ship continue to sink until he could no longer see it. Henry swam back up to the surface, gasping for air, and climbed back into the dingy.

"Captain Jack Sparrow." He said to himself, catching his breath.

Henry knew that the only way to help his father was by locating Jack Sparrow and together, finding the Trident of Poseidon. His best bet was to join the Royal Navy, to sail the seas until he found the infamous Captain Jack. To say Elizabeth was livid was an understatement. She couldn't even count the amount of times she got dangerously close to begging her son not to leave. As proud as she was of him and how much he resembled his father and felt the call of the sea, she knew the dangers that awaited her dear Henry. 


I don't own any of this and the dialogue when Henry finds Will is directly from the movie. 

Obviously, this chapter leads straight into where the new movie beings so if you have any requests for scenes you would like to see please let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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