Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Disney.


The day Will left Elizabeth on the island was quite possibly one of the hardest of those she had survived. This was a day that seemed as though it would never end. How many people can say that they lead a fleet of pirates into battle, got married, watched their husband die, and then were reunited with him just for them to be separated for the next ten years by the end of it? But she was strong; she had been growing increasingly strong over the past few years and knew that she could handle this, however trying it may be.

The first few months she had simple goals to achieve: get a job and make a home. Difficult in execution but simple enough still. The island she and Will found themselves on had a small village on the other side. There she found work as a governess, teaching and caring for her employers children. They allowed her to stay in the house until she was able to make other arrangements and paid her well.

As the weeks went by, she began to worry as she was gaining weight. Her diet had not changed much and this was a weight she had never had before. She decided it was best to seek out a doctor, though she was beginning to understand what was happening. Growing up with the Governor and no mother, she was left with very little knowledge of the female anatomy, but this one wasn't too hard to guess. Just as she had suspected, she was pregnant! Aside from being scared beyond belief, she was ecstatic! She wouldn't have to suffer the next ten years alone, now she would have a living reminder of Will and their love.

She began to wonder how she would be able to get the news to William and then she was struck with a slightly more terrifying notion. How was she going to explain a missing husband and a fatherless child to these people without seeming like a harlot? Thankfully her employers believed her story of a husband out at sea defending what he believes in. It's not her fault they assumed he was in the Royal Navy.

Her due date was fast approaching and she had finally been able to save up enough for a small cottage on the edge of town, closest to the beach where she last saw Will.

Someday soon we will be reunited. He will be able to meet his child and we can be a family, if only for a short while. She thought to herself, preparing the house for the baby. Not allowing herself to dwell on the very distant future, she got busy putting the final touches on the nursery and making a mental list of what she would need to purchase in the coming months.

Finally the day had arrived for their beautiful child to come into the world. Elizabeth only hoped that the baby was healthy and resembled Will. That it would bare his brown eyes and tanned skin, have his kind-hearted and loving nature that it too, could see the beauty the world had to behold. She prayed that this child would never know malice or hate, jealousy or violence and that they be intelligent and have a love for the sea. And that's what he was, her son, their son. He was kind and had a wonderful smile and his father's eyes. Their son would love the sea and the stories his mother would tell him of. He would have a loving nature and become one of the smartest people she had ever known.

She called him Henry.

She Called Him HenryWhere stories live. Discover now