What's For Lunch

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"CHOWDER!!!!!" Mung Daal called from the kitchen.

"Like, hold on Mung!" I called back.

"What's for lunch?" Mung yelled

Startled, I fell down the stairs. Suddenly a pineapple was thrown at my head.

"MUNG!!!!" I yelled

"Chowder, where are you? Come to the kitchen."

"Mung, I've been hit by a pineapple! I can't move!"

"Chowder, stop these silly games and come to the- Oh no, Scnitchel!"

"RAAATTTAAAAAA!" I heard Snitchel yell before the banging of pans.


"Nothing, Truffle dear. We were just discussing what to have for lunch," Mung said calmly.

"WELL, KEEP IT DOWN!" Truffle yelled before slamming a door.

I slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Chowder, really it took you that long to get in here because of a pineapple fruit?" Mung asked.

"Mung, it really hurt," I replied

He sighed. "Fine, whatever, okay. Now what do you want for lunch?"

"Buttercorn! Buttercorn! Buttercorn!"

"Chowder, what-"

Before he could say anything else, I threw the cookbook at him.

"Ow, Chowder, how many times do I have to tell you not to throw the cookbook at me?"

"Mung, it's on page 942!"

"Chowder, there isn't a page 942."

"Lies!" I said running and grabbing the book. I turned it to page 942.

"Chowder, this is page 846."

"Same thing."

"Ratta ratta, ratta ratta."

"Oh, quiet, Schnitzel," I said.

"Chowder, it says we need exotic butters. We don't have any."

"Awww, c'mon, Mung, can't we just go buy some?"

"Ugh, fine. Alright, lets go," he said as I ran out to Escargo.

Escargo took us to Gazpacho's in only 30 minutes.

"We really need a new snail, Chowder."

"No we have to keep Escargo. He goes everywhere with us. Now remember what we came here for. Exotic Butters."

"Yes, yes, Chowder. I know."

I didn't see any exotic butters on the way to Gazpacho's stand.

"Gazpacho, I need some exotic butters for Buttercorn. Do you have any?" Mung asked.

"Well, let me tell you something, Mung Daal! No, no I-I don't actually- never have, they're so hard to find. The only way you can get them is going up to the-" he leaned in and whispered, "Real world."

Mung gasped. "That's impossible. There has to be another way."

Gazpacho shook his head "There is no other way. If you want those Exotic Butters...Well then, you're going to have to go to the real world."

"Muuunnnggggg, pleeeaassseeeee."

"Alright, fine, whatever, how do we get there?"

Gazpacho whispered something to Mung and then we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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