lily's backstory

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*mature theme *
Lily's pov
Hi this is my story up to now . I was quite good in school never had any trouble until I was thirteen . I heard my mum and dad arguing down stairs like they always did so I ignored it the next thing I hear is the front door slam and I here my mum walk upstairs crying . My door swung wide open to see my mum their screaming it was all my fault since then my mum took to alcohol. We couldn't even buy clothes due to her addiction. So after that I was bullied because I didn't fit in with style or look nice but I just put up with it . When my 16th birthday came I thought my mum would finally look at me as an adult and let me leave . Somthing much worse happend I was the one who had to pay for her addiction . She sold me to men all across the country. I was so ashamed but I had no choice I did as I was told . The bullying went on in collage aswell . I started to cut and even tried suicide. I just couldn't keep doing this . Now I am 19 and still sadly under her control I wish I had some one to talk to .

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