Chapter Two

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God :I have 3 top soldiers Zach Sha'mar AJ. Zach being the master adequate and precise archer, Sha'mar being the brutal hand-on -hand contact person and last but not least AJ being the a approximate on demand sniper the 3 of these people had a troubling path in which included murder jail and torture but I have decided to give them a second chance on account of their precise skill.

Devil: Damn! I need a bigger army if we plan to defeat Jesus and his Bitch of a dad.

Soul Eater: Devil we need more soul eater in the past 5 days the Spirit Shiners have decreased our numbers to a mere 3000

Devil: Damn I wish I could supply you more but that would mean I'd have to go back to Heaven and gather light only to destroy it to make darkness.

Soul Eater: Well get up their if you want your son to win this war you best assure your sorry ass that you will not win this war without the help of my kind.

Devil:ok I will gather more in time...

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