take two

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"Yah, kiddo? Hey? Hey! "

The car suddenly stopped in the middle of the lone, wide road. Thankfully, it was dawn and they were the only ones passing through the area at that time.

Rai felt sick, her stomach revolted at the thought of seeing that one man again. It was probably due to fear, anger or any repressed emotion she refused to acknowledge.

She could clearly hear Kang Daniel's concerned shouts and feel his hands shake her shoulders but she never had the guts to answer him, fearing that whatever may come out of her mouth right now may risk the discovery of her secret.

Daniel started to drive once he saw that it was hopeless to talk to her. His noona of one year was frozen in her seat, only grabbing her coat in fear. He was confused, seeing his bubbly kiddo like this was scary.

They continued to drive with the music playing at the back of her mind. She was too busy thinking of ways on how to escape without her company noticing.

Stomach aches, fainting, faking a nosebleed- none of them seemed convincing enough to do. Sure, she was a great actress but only when there was a script involved!

Suddenly, a horrifying yet horribly honest thought entered her mind.

You idiot! It's been ten years! You two have been in the entertainment industry and you know that this meeting is inevitable. Just act professional. You're a reknown actress for goodness sake!

The voice inside her head was right. She couldn't have herself avoiding that one person for the rest of her life if she wanted to stay in this industry for a longer time.

"Hey, kiddo, you alright now? "

Rai turned to her co-actor and flashed him a smile she practiced and perfected for a long time now.

"Yeah, I'm somewhat alright." she answered in a cheerful tone, hoping that it would be enough to chase away Daniel's incoming questions.

Sensing that something was wrong, Daniel's first instinctive move was to ask more. However, seeing the actress act like this after working hours and realizing that one of his former members were coming to the party knocked some sense towards him.

Oh Shit. How could he be such an idiot!

"Hey, Rai. If you really don't want to come to the party, I understand.. After all, he's going-"

Rai froze for a moment when she realized who he was talking about. However, her actress side was thankfully in tune with her tonight.

"Yah Daniel-ssi, I seriously have no idea what you're talking about. I was just thinking about useless things that's why I kept quiet. They were really just unimportant thoughts. " she added a bit of a comforting tone to her voice, really hoping to dodge the questions she literally could see coming.

Her acting made it obvious to Daniel that whatever she was avoiding was something really, really important.


"Seong woo hyung! Do you know what time it is? "

Ong Seong Woo literally had to move his face away from his phone as he took a peek at his watch.

"It is currently 2:39 am, Korean Standard Time." he answered coolly and placed his jacket on his right arm.
On the other side of the phone, Park Ji Hoon sighed as he hopelessly stared at the swarm of people crowding around the bar. The music was pulsating as bodies danced from end to end inside the warm space.

"Hyungggg!! We're all waiting for you!" he whined, knowing very well that Seong Woo wasn't listening.

"Blah blah blah, Jihoonie. Just wait, alright? I know very well that the party won't start till I walk in. "

Jihoon had to roll his eyes at the lyrics his hyung was quoting. It was very unusual for Seong Woo to be late at parties like this.

"Sure Hyung. Just make sure you'll be here before Daniel hyung comes. "

Seong Woo perked his ears at the sound of Daniel's arrival.

"Really? He's finally coming! He's been busy all the time, that's great! " Seong Woo couldn't hide his excitement at the thought of his friend coming.

"Yes. Yes. We can hear your excitement from here. Hurry up! Your boyfriend's coming! " shouted Park Ji Hoon for him to be heard over the loud music.

"Fuck off Ji Hoon." he groaned and ended the call while Ji Hoon was laughing.

With a final twist, Seong Woo locked his bedroom and left his bachelor pad, real clean and tidy.

He checked his hair in front of the glass mirrors in the corridors. He had to look good, as always. After all the party's in a bar.

Seong Woo smirked.

Five years after Wanna One's disbandment, every member went on their separate ways.

Some members pursued their singing careers, some debuted as solo artists or as a part of other groups, some gave up on their dream and lived normally.

No matter where they ended up though, they always made time to honour their Wanna One Tradition- just like their IOI sunbaenims. They met every year at their same, hidden spot on August 7-their debut date.

They would stay there for a day, or two just to hang out with each other, to keep up with what was happening with each other's lives. The short 1.5 years they spent with each other built a brotherhood link between all of them that even the passing years cannot sever.

Sure, they would occasionally see each other during birthdays and other occasions but their tradition was always different. It was more special, more unique and probably the best day of the year when they could own the time of their members.

Kang Daniel hung out with them for the first two years since the disbandment. However, due to his busy schedule, he couldn't come to see his Wanna One members. Every now and then, he would attend the member's birthdays and meet up with them for a few drinks.

Seong Woo tried to understand him, he really did. But it was so damn difficult to see one of their members not attending their annual bro night.

Tonight was different though, Kang Daniel was finally coming.

Seong Woo smiled for a while at the thought of Wanna One finally coming together again, even if it was not at their usual place.

He switched the car's engine on and started to drive. Once he was out of the condominium's area, he opened the door and started to enjoy the fresh air.

He really loved driving during cold nights like this! It reminded him of the freedom he always wished to have since his debut as an idol singer.

The fresh air touched his face, tousling his soft black hair. The wind was comforting him.

"What in the world are you? A snail? Drive faster, you idiot! "

Seong Woo's smile faltered as a familiar voice entered his mind. Her deep yet soothing voice echoed all through out the corners of his mind.

"Fuck. Why did you have to show up now? " he asked himself, looking like an idiot while doing so.

He almost forgot why he loved these late night drives.

He almost forgot how much the cold yet lovely wind complemented her dark, long hair.

He almost forgot how excited she sounded whenever he would pass a underrated yet painfully breath taking view.

Most importantly, he forgot that Kang Daniel's shooting ends today and that she is his leading lady.

Which means there is that little chance that he'd bring her tonight.

"Oh fuck. "


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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