descendants: carlos

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(Y/n) p.o.v

I was heading to the library so that I could hang out with Carlos. He was already in the back of the library with a book in his hand.
"Hey Carlos."
"Oh hey (y/n). What book you wanna read today."
"Any book is fine."
I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. There was some room since he was sitting against a wall so my arm didn't go numb. Each word he said was low and clear that I would usually fall asleep but not this time. He shut the the book with a loud thump and turned to me.
"Does anyone know that we are dating."
I nodded my head sideways meaning it was a no.
"Why can't I tell anyone."
I looked down kind of sad that we couldn't tell anyone but we had to keep this a secret.
"Are you embarrassed of me."
My head shot up but my arms were still around him. Though I didn't think he was that close so our eyes were close and I could feel his breath on me.
"What no why would you think that."
"Cause I'm the son of a villain and you're a princess for one of the most well know stories."
"Carlos i love no matter who your parents are cause you're you."
"Then can i tell my friends."
I didn't want to say yes since word spreads and if chad finds out then he would tell our parent (they wanted you to marry a prince since they have high standards for you.) and he would beat carlos up.
"You can't."
"Why can't i."
"Cause my parents would hate you and they force me to move away."
He patted my head a bit.
"I promise everything will be okay."
He gave me a smile and then his big adorable puppy eyes.
"Fine you can tell your friends but that also means you have to talk to my parents tomorrow at the parent and children party. If we're gonna tell people then I'm not doing it alone."
We continued reading for a while until it was around 8 and we both headed back to our own dorms. He kissed me on the forehead.
"You know I hate that you're a few inches taller than me."
"But I like it. I like holding you in my Arms and kissing your forehead when you won't let me kiss your lips."
I rolled my eyes at him
"Your such a romantic."
"Well why can't I be."
"Cause it's so cheesy."
He gave me a hug catching me off guard.
"Please know that wherever I kiss you it means something. On the forhead means I'll return. It's like a promise."
He kissed me on the lips and walked into his room."
'I wonder that that means.'
I walked away and sneaked into my room making sure not to wake my roommate. I tried going to sleep but I was to nervous to.
-----------time skip----------
It was the day of the parents and children party. Everyone dressed in semi formal clothing and played outside.
"Hey (y/n)."
You turned to see your brother Chad standing there with his famous charming smile. He hooked his arm around my shoulder.
'Great just when I thought this was gonna be easy.'
"You ready to meet mom and dad."
To be honest I kind of was ready but with Chad being here makes my stomach uneasy.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
We walked over there and we chatted until they brought up my love life like the nosey parents they are.
"So do you have a boyfriend yet."
I blushed a deep pick just at the mention of this."
"A-actually I do."
"That's great sweetie we would love to meet him."
My parents put up a fake smile for my sake but when I look up at Chad he had a angry look in his eye. His hands were tighter now meaning he wanted to hit something.
"I'll be back then."
I removed chad's arm from mine and ran to Carlos who was on the other side of the party so they didn't see him yet.
"Carlos we need to meet up with my parents now."
"Oh um okay."
"I thought you said you were okay with it."
"I am but now I feel really nervous about."
"Come on let's hurry this up before you get beat up and I get sent to a different school."
He put dude down and we made our way to my parents. When they saw me holding his hand they didn't even try to act happy. There face was full of shock if not anger. Chad stomped to us and grabbed Carlos by the collar of his shirt.
"Like I would ever let a dirty villain like you get near my sister."
Carlos was scared and nervous but he tried pulling himself together.
"Too bad I already kissed her."
There was a small smirk on his face. Chad didn't even have a come back he just raised his fist at Carlos. I grabbed Chad arm to stop him from hitting him.
"Don't hurt him!"
This was starting to grabbed everyone's attention even Carlos friends but I didn't care. All that mattered right now is Carlos being safe.
"Put him down."
Chad reluctantly did as he was told and I hugged Carlos.
"Are you okay."
"Don't worry I'm fine."
I didn't know why but I strayed crying in his arms. It felt right too at a time like this.
"Hey. It's fine. Everything's fine. Please don't cry."
He Held my waist and patted my back to try and calm me down.
"I-I'm gonna lose you."
"No you're not I'll find my way to you even if you leave okay."
He whispered it into my ear making sure no one in the crowd heard it.
I nodded my head. I didn't have any words to say not after that. My dad cleared his throat catching our attention. We both turned to him with tears still in my eyes.
"May I talk to you Carlos. Inside."
There was still a crowd of people staring at us. Half entertained the other half scared.
I held onto his hand as he nodded his head. He tried to let go of my hand so it would be him and dad but I wanted to know what happen.
"I'm coming to."
"Don't worry i'll be fine."
He gave a smile and kissed me on the forehead while wiping away any remaining tears. He walked away while I just stood there watching him get smaller and smaller.
'Like a promise.'
I turned to my mom and by now the crowd has broken up.
"So mother what do you think about him."
I held my head high ready to defend Carlos.
"I think he's wonderful. Chad dear would you think so."
"Yea sure whatever."
He walked away to go to some of his friends.
"I think he's just mad that another boy came into your life. He always wanted the spotlight ever since the day he was born."
"Thank you but then why we're so surprised when I brought him over."
"I didn't think it would be a villain. You always liked the heros when you were younger. Someone pure of heart."
"Carlos is pure. Anyways you guys always said you wanted me to marry a prince."
"When people find their prince they live happily ever after and that's all I ever wanted for you."
"Thanks mom."
I heard laughter so I turned and next thing I knew I was hit by Carlos and we were on the ground with him on top of me.
"I'm officially your boyfriend."
I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Glad that over."
I was tired from the lack of sleep so I closed my eyes for a while with a smile on my face.
"Hey you okay."
"Yea just tired."
He picked me off the ground bridal style so I put my arms around Carlos neck. The heat coming off from his body and the beat of his hard was so calming that it was hard not fall asleep in his arms.
"I'll take her back to her room."
I opened one eye to see that my parents looked scared.
"Don't worry I won't do anything without your daughter's permission."
Now they looked even more scared and they were blushing too. Carlos took me to my room and placed me on the bed.
"Can I kiss you."
"You never did ask before."
"Yea but I promised your parents I'd wouldn't do anything without your permission."
"Yea you can kiss me. Dork."
"I'm taking it as a compliment."
He kissed me on the lips as he held my hand.
"Carlos. I've been meaning to ask you something."
"What is it."
"When you kiss me on the lips what does that mean."
He held my hand tighter and stroked my cheek.
"It means I love you very much."
He let go of me and pulled the blanket up.
"Good night."
"Sleep with me."
He climbed onto the bed sleeping with me. I was underneath his chin and I could feel the body heat radiating off of him. He had at least one arm around me and I could smell the chocolate on him. He was out like a light the second he had his arms around me.
"I love you too Carlos."

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