avengers: scaredy cat

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Natasha p.o.v

We had a half training and half fun moment right now. We were all playing dogs ball with me tony and Rhode on one team and Steve Clint and Thor on the other. Bruce was the referee.
"3..2..1 and go!"
We all raced the the 4 balls in the middle. I easily hit Thor with one while Steve hit both tony and rhode with one. While I was busy trying to hit Steve Clint nailed me with a ball. I stood there in disbelief that he had actually hit me. When I looked straight at him he started running though I was confused on why. I mean he did just win the game. I tried finding him around the tower but I couldn't.
"Clint where are you."
There was no answer.
"Clint come out come out wherever you are."
I tried singing to show that I meant no harm but the didn't work so I just gave up for the day.

Clint's p.o.v
I hit Natasha since she was distracted and then she just stood there while staring at me.
'I just hit Natasha!'
I had hit the only scary person here and now I was number 1 on her hit list. I started running into the living room and climbed inside the vents. I quietly crawled around until I was caught by tony.
"Get out of my vents. She's gone you know."
"No way she's just loading her stingers."
Everyone else heard the commotion and tried to get me out.
"It was just a game. It's not that bad."
"Say that to yourself when you're the one who hit her."
"Brother barten you should not fear lady widow."
"I dare you to fight her then. She is a lethal murderer."
"Clint where are you."
It was Natasha so I started running for my life. Forget pride I would be willing to face hydra, aim and the skrulls alone and at the same time rather then go up against Natasha.
"Clint. Come out come out wherever you are."
She was sing it meaning she was gonna kill you and the last thing she wants you to hear is her voice before you see the light. I quickly and quietly crawled to my room so I could grab my bow and arrows. I then took the quinjet to my farmhouse in the middle of nowhere since I knew Natasha wouldn't look there. I took out my phone and called lura.
"Hey sweetie I'm coming to stay with you for about a week."
"Oh what's the occasion."
"I hit Natasha."
"I'll get your room ready."
"Thanks sweetie."

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