Chapter 4

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After she left I went to the beautiful closet and opened it my jaw dropped for the second time today it was filled with beautiful dresses and skirts shirts high-heels and night gowns and slippers when the servant entered the room I turned around and she set down the

meal on the table in the room as she turned to leave I said " Wait please don't leave!" she turned and I saw it was not the woman that was there before. She was younger and much more beautiful she said "Yes miss?" I was shocked I stuttered "W-well will you stay and talk to me?" Then she did something unexpected before I could stop her she charged with a knife I screamed then large cats burst in the moment the scream tore itself from my lips and she snarled in my ear with the knife pressed to my throat "IT'S NOT OVER!" then she swished her cloak and disappeared my sister appeared at my door I cringed away from her for she looked a bit like the woman. Then I relaxed because Sapphire didn't have that evil look like that woman I looked at her and stuttered "W-who w-was s-she????" My sister looked at me and said "what happened who was it?" when she said this she looked at the Head Guard he said gruffly "It was Her." Sapphire froze and looked at me and said "What did she look like?"I said "She looked like us but older by a year or two and had a evil look to her and and an-" I faded out my sister was pale completely white I asked "Are you alright? I think I remember something." her head snapped up and instead of asking what she said "Well, if you still remember it in the morning before school you can tell me. Good night a servant can warm your spaghetti if you want." I shook my head and said "Sort of lost my appetite." Sapphire laughed and looked at me and said "Since we are twins I know it's no use to try and change your mind so Good Night. If anything happens just yell and I will come running. Don't leave your room at night." I nodded and she left the room I grabbed a nightgown from the closet and put it on I twirled in the beautiful dark blue silk. I crawled into bed and fell asleep at once.


I was laughing I looked around and could not see anyone so I let the dream go on I was running around in a dark blue and gold dress. I saw a flash of flaming red hair just like mine I ran after the red and tackled her when I saw it was not Sapphire but a much younger version of the woman that had tried to kill me I giggled and said ' Got you Seraphine.' and then she tickled me all over until I squealed and she said 'Have you now?' and I squealed 'Let go of me sissy!' Then my identical came around the corner I saw her and cried 'Help me my twin!' she giggled and ran over and tackled Seraphine I tackled both of them then I realized where I recognized her from it shocked me so much I woke up-



I shot awake and was panting sweat dripped from the top of my head. I stumbled to the dresser with a mirror on the top with Kleenex tissue as I grabbed a tissue I screamed in shock my face was covered in fur my ears were on the top of my head I looked down and found my hands were claws and paws. A arching pain in my back made me bend I was screaming the whole while but it did not sound like me,"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-mmmeeeeeemo wwwwwwwwwww." Meow? I was shrinking my twin burst into the room with guards that were cats Sapphire signaled to them as they crept out of the room I was crawling toward her when my sister was bent until we were both crouched she bent down and rubbed my back and said "It's okay." and when it seemed it would never end it stopped I looked at my watch and it was now 2 AM! I wobbled over to the mirror and gasped and then screamed "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you do to me!" My sister was pacing she was mumbling " It should not have happened tonight not so soon." then she spun around and asked the oddest question "what did you dream ?" I looked at her like she was crazy she repeated the question but was raising her voice I quickly recounted what I saw. She smiled but when I asked her about Seraphine she paled and said "We'll talk tomorrow good night." I sighed. And crawled into bed. As I lie there I wondered who Seraphine was.


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