Chapter 1

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I sighed in the dream I was happy then it happened the good dream turned to a nightmare like it almost always does. I don't even want to go into it. My dark sparkly blue and gold clock went off I groaned and said "Is it Monday already?" My mom did not shout up the stairs for me to get up. Which was odd now that I think of it I do not smell the beautiful coffee aroma that my mom left behind in fact it was strange because normally she leaves a note either on my coffee she made, on my clock or my bathroom mirror, on why she had to leave either for work or a meeting she worked for a big news business so she really was not home from dawn till dusk but most of the time she was home until I had to leave for school was home by 7 pm for dinner. So as I got up I did not really think about it so I got dressed in a outfit of black leggings and a flannel long sleeve and black high heels that even look worn. I went to the bathroom to put makeup on and there on top of my makeup box was a pink envelope that had my name on it 'Amethyst Beracha-Gemala' that was my mom's hand writing I picked it up and this is what I saw ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Dearest Amethyst,

I had hoped this would not happen this way but honey, I had to move away with Jackson I can't tell you where I 'll be. your real parents felt it was time for you to know the truth I know about your dreams the nightmares are not just dreams they actually happened but the good dreams are true too I know this started a year ago that's when your parents decided that as of tomorrow you are old enough to know the truth about yourself as far as I know your twin sister ( yes you have a twin sister I know you have always felt as if half of you was somewhere else I am sorry I could not tell you this) Sapphire Gemala will be at the house at 9 am to talk to you about this I am sorry I can't be there anymore it's for the best I love you so much I should have told you this years ago but I am not your mom I am now Antoinette Beracha your name is actually Amethyst Elizabeth Gemala your sisters is Sapphire Mary Gemala you two are not normal people or normal twins your sister will explain everything.

I Love You

Love Antoinette Beracha

I gasped and thought 'it can't be true' 

I ran to her room sure enough her bed was striped of her favorite sheets her closet was bare except the high heels in the bottom and a few dresses with notes on them all that I could have them I ran down stairs look in the closet and only my backpack and coats hung there. I looked around the Keurig still stood there it was unbelievable I looked at the clock and gasped "Oh crap! I 'm late for school!" I rushed up the hall to the living room and the wireless phone was gone so I searched frantically for it. I tore the living room apart it was not in there. I checked the dining room, nope, I checked Antoinette room, nada, my room, no, I finally checked the kitchen there it was but as reached for it the phone rang I picked it up and cautiously said "Hello?"

Hi guys um Idk really what to say but plz comment on my book and tell me what you think and be honest thnx

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