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Hey Guys!!

It's DECEMBER 4, 2017!!


I have a classmate/bestfriend who is very addicted to Jin😂

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I have a classmate/bestfriend who is very addicted to Jin😂

She is so into him😂

I know what she'll say if I ask her what's her massage for Jin😂 And i'm 100% sure that she says this😂👇

"Happy Birthday My Jin!!😍 I hope you enjoy this day!!😍 Tono Loves you bery much!!😘 Lovelots"

                                                    -👑Army Toni

That's all😂😂

Happy 24th Birthday Kim Seokjin😊💖

GTS loves You😘💖

Also Toni😂💖


|MY MR. FRIEND REQUEST|J.JK Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt