Yeah because that made so much sense. I thought sarcastically. But what else was I supposed to do? I was at a complete loss at to what was happening and I didn't take kindly to that fact that some unseen person was telling me what to do. And how could I go anywhere I wanted if I was confided to my bed? I was still sleeping, right? Ugh! My brain hurt. I couldn't see any other option then to reluctantly do what I was told. If there was any place I wanted to go right now it would be to stay right where I was. And slowly looking around I could see the dark city of Toronto beneath me, and gleaming stars to my right.

                "Okay uhm," I breathed taking it all in. A light breeze sent curls blowing into my face. My feet were suspended in the air. "Next question: why am I floating?" I never been afraid of heights per se, but there's something about soaring in the night over pointy buildings and rocks that could make a girl feel like she was about to plummet to her untimely death.

                "I don't know this is your dream," he says impatiently. Like I'm stalling something important, or just wasting his time.

                "So I am dreaming?" I asked another stupid question, rubbing my hair out of my eyes. Even though I was somehow airborne, I felt very wide awake. I could even see the CN tower. It was breathtaking from my vantage point. It's blinking lights a blaze in the dark sky, standing high above all other buildings in its vicinity. The weightlessness was disorienting, but this did not feel like a dream, this felt very real, and very normal. It was as if the possibility of feeling stars between my toes and being within reaching distance to the tip of one of the world’s tallest buildings was something I could do on a daily basis.

Was this weird? Yes. Very. But oh so exhilarating!

                "Why do you keep repeating everything I say?" The voice asked clearly getting more and more annoyed, pulling me out of my bafflement.

                "Why do I keep what - wait a minute!" I demanded waving my fist in the air; Trying to fit pieces together. "How come I can't see you, whoever you are?" It just occurred to me; if I am somehow sleeping, dreaming, and soaring through the night sky, how the heck is this stranger hidden from my sight? Why couldn't I just 'envision' him up right in front of me? There isn't any place to hide in midair. The situation kept getting stranger and stranger the more I stopped to think things through.

                "Easy. That's because I not using all of my power to manifest myself in your dreams." The voice replied casually. As if appearing in some else's dreams is just a simple matter of physics. "So you can only hear me right now."

                "Yeah, uhm, you lost me at 'not using a lot of my power.' “I said, dismissively shaking my head. This felt so awkward not being to see the person you are talking to. Like some twisted broken telephone. And what the heck did he mean by that? I shuddered not trying to press the thought any further. It was creepy enough interacting with this unseen voice even though I am supposedly 'sleeping'.

                "Good God, you're hopeless," the voice sighed exasperated.

                "Well I wouldn't be so frigging hopeless if you started making some damn sense." I snapped again. My patience was wearing thin. How dare he get mad at me, this was my wicked-awesome-bad-ass dream he was interrupting. I call the shots.

                Waiting for a response I felt the presence of someone coming up from behind me. It literally, came out of nowhere. Unable to have a quick reaction from in the air I aimed for the highest random rooftop I could find, and whirled around to face whatever else interrupted my dreams. Only to come face-to-face with nothing. Absolutely nothing! I felt like a crazy person.

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