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Society. It's one phenomenon our life revolves around. In India, society is deemed apex. Nothing lies above those who judge, comment and critize mercilessly about how one should lead their lives.

The Indian society is world renowned for its culture. It's versatility. It's unity in diversity. But mind you- this accomplishment came with sacrifices. And some of these, we execute even today.

Our society, has certain norms, certain behavioral rules to be precise, or furthermore accurately, it has a set of imperatives. And you have to build your life around such imperatives. No matter how much it exhausts you. No matter how much it ruins you.

Some norms, are the reason that we reside in peace with each other. Some are fundamentally amazing. I'm not trying to bring my own society down, but then again, every coin has two sides.

I've never been in harmony with my side of the coin. The way I see these imperatives, they've always done me harm. So, I kept on breaking rules. I tried to live my live according to what I felt right. I was lucky enough to have had parents, who stuck by me through thick and thin. When the whole world deemed me a traitor, a few stuck around, for they believed in freedom in all it's true meanings.

For a long while, I've found my life pretty perfect. Everything was right, the way I wanted. I was living my life, the way it's meant to be. The society had long gone been out of my way, and I was starting to look at the brighter side..

..........Until one day, I met someone being mercilessly pulled by the threads of cultures. Someone who was forced to abide by imperatives that were ruthless and irrational. And what killed me further was that, it did not affect them. They were adapted to having their lives written already. To them everything was normal.

And once, I delved deep inside, it changed my life. Forever.

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