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Yoongi x Hoseok


This fan fiction may have some sensitive themes to some readers. If you are particularly sensitive to severe illness, or mentions of suicide, please do not read this chapter. Your mental health and safety is important!

- Mushimuu

"I'm sorry. It's too far along. Unfortunately there is not much more we can do."

Yoongi sighs with his head in his palms and his elbows on his knees. His body is shaking with anger and despair. He feels the warmth of Hoseok's hand brush the back of his neck gently. The doctor excuses himself from the room. Yoongi and Hoseok are left in complete silence. Time has become stagnant for Yoongi. His thoughts and emotions swirl endlessly through his mind. Hoseok however is the opposite. He knew that there was a possibility that it would come to this. He had been preparing for this day since the night it began. 

He hears each tick of the clock on the wall. The rustling of the trees. Yoongi's breathing. Hoseok tenderly massages the back of Yoongi's neck. Continuously rubbing small circles, attempting to comfort him.


Months pass.


Yoongi has become more at peace with the news. After much convincing Hoseok told him that he was not afraid, and that Yoongi shouldnt be either. Instead of moping and mourning they agreed to celebrate and enjoy the time Hoseok has left.

"Go back to work" Hoseok says, his arms wrapped tightly around Yoongi's waist.

"But I want to stay here and take care of you." He protests.

"Remember what we agreed? You are not to treat me any differently than before!" Hoseok says.

Yoongi smiles and kisses Hoseok on his cheek.

"Who says I never wanted to stay home and take care of you before?"

Hoseok giggles. His warm laughter is cut off by harsh coughing. Hoseoks cheeky smile drops and his face is flushed.

A lump forms in Yoongi's throat. Watching the love of his life deteriorate in front of him takes such a toll on his well being, However he could never tell Hoseok that he is still afraid. He could never tell him that with each wheezing cough his heart breaks a little more. He promised after all.


A few weeks pass.


Yoongi has finally agreed to go back to work. He smiles on the train as he thinks of what Hoseok said that morning.

"You're so pale! What happened to your honey skin my little bumble bee?"

Yoongi melts into the seat as the memory of Hoseoks voice surrounds his thoughts.

The burning feeling in his throat and the sting in his eyes returns.

A voice he never wants to forget.

That night returning from his first day back Yoongi makes note of all of Hoseok's mannerisms. The way the tone of his voice changes when he is excited. The way he says Yoongi's name. The way he eats his food or holds a pencil. The way that he maintains his happiness and optimism as if nothing has happened. The way he stays calm and collected as Yoongi is falling apart.

That night is a bad night.

Hoseok is up all night. He cant keep his dinner down and his fever is constantly rising. Yoongi stays by his side. Hoseoks labored breath cuts through the air. Yoongi knows this side of Hoseok all too well. It's an ugly monster that he doesn't want to see. Just when Hoseok seems to be doing better it rears it's disgusting head and everything crashes down. All of Yoongi's hope is thrown in the trash and they are once again at rock bottom.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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