Oziach x Weeb Trash

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Adam made a grave mistake that day. As he was reading a story a fan wrote for him, he decided to support her because he like her work. He voted on the first chapter, then left a comment, encouraging her to write more.

A few minutes later, she put up an update. An Authors Note. It was a screenshot of Adams comment followed by this text.

"Hey my kwaii Otakus! I am here to tell you that my kwaii desu Senpai has noticed me! My current dere is Yan so I currently have a private investigators hunting him down. Bye my little desu kwaii deres!"

Adam flopped down beside Amelia and Kat, then showed them the message. Amelia laughed. "Yeah rigt, no one is that obsessed with so-"

Brosia and Haku came running into the room. They ended up tripping over each other and face planting onto the carpet. Amelia and Adam dashed over to them to help them up. "Quick! Adam you have to get out of here!" Brosia yelled, shaking Adam.

Haku nodded and started pushing him away. "This crazy Weaboo is here! She's here with like, four big burly guys that could probably turn us all into orange juice in a matter of seconds!" Haku yelled.

Adam spent the rest of the day running from some Weeb Trash while Sixx distracted her.

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