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"Dinner is ready!" I chirped, holding the bowl and placing it on the table.

I smiled at Carter who looks obviously excited to taste the Chicken Adobo.

"It smells so yummy." He excitedly says while looking at the bowl of Adobo.

I chuckled and took a seat between him and Dante. "Well it is, yummy. I hope you guys like it." I said as I started putting rice on my plate. Damn, I'm excited. It's been a long time since I last ate a filipino food.

I watched Venny and Carter as they took a bite of their chicken. I was actually waiting for their  reactions. No pressure. I'm pretty sure they will like it. I mean it might not be as good as steak, but it is good. This is actually my favorite food. I was realy happy when I saw that there was every ingredient that I needed in the fridge.

I smiled at Carter who swallows his chicken and looks at me in awe. "Wow. This is actually great. What do you call it?" He asks before stuffing another spoonful of rice and chicken in his mouth. He looks so cute! He's like a child.
"Spicy Chicken Adobo. It's a Filipino dish, actually." I said as I started to eat.

Venny smiles at me and nods... Which I assume is his way of saying that he likes the food. He never actually talks. Just a few words or barely even a sentence. I don't know what's his problem. Maybe he just doesn't like to talk much.

"This is actually my first time to eat a Filipino dish. I love it, Leila." Carter smiles at me and continued eating.

I laughed when he started coughing and immediately passed him a glass of water as I pat his back. "Slow down, Carter. No one's gonna take your food." I joked.

He just laughed and smiled at me when he has recovered. "Thanks." He says and I smiled at him. He eats too fast, no wonder why he chokes on his food. Was he starving for hours?

"How many days have you been not eating?" I joked and we laughed together. I wonder why he's not getting fat. I mean he eats a lot! Whatever his secret is, I have to know it.

"Why are you not eating?" I asked Dante when I noticed that he was just staring at me and Carter. Was he been staring at us this whole time? Damn, he's weird.

He doesn't answer and just shakes his head.

Why is he not eating? I can't help but get offended. I mean I cooked this for him and he doesn't even appreciate it.

Well to hell with it! It took me an hour to prepare this meal and I would not allow it if he doesn't take even just one bite!

I put rice and chicken in his plate. "Eat." I said in the less demanding tone I can.

He raises one eyebrow at me as if telling me; 'why should I?'

I pouted. "I cooked this for you and you're not going to eat? Come on. Just one bite." I'm being a child again but who cares.

He narrowed his eyes at me before sighing and eventually started eating. I watched as he stuffed a spoonful of food in his mouth.

I don't know why but I kinda feel pressured. Why? I feel like I want Dante to like the food that I cooked. To like my efforts for him... To like me? The fuck? Ok, erase that!

I looked away and started eating. Damn, I feel so awkward. Why? What the hell is happening to me?

The whole dinner was quiet and no one dares ro talk the whole time we were eating- well except for Carter who keeps on telling me how delicious the food was and that he wants me to cook another Filipino dish again tomorrow. He even almost squealed when I said yes. I can't help but laugh at his childishness. I wonder how Venny stands him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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