new survivors

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(My OC is on the top because she's the new OC okay let's get going)

~Boris P.O.V~
I quickly went to get my bag with Bendy's pills so they can ease the pain. When I got back bendy was lying on the floor lifeless.
I picked up Bendy but he was just sleeping.
Boris:Thank goodness.
I then put him in his sleeping bag but before I did that I woke him up and gave him his pills. He took them then went back to sleep. After putting Bendy in his bag I ate some food then went to sleep.

~Bendy P.O.V~
When I woke up I went outside and stretched because I was way to tired. After stretching I sat on some house steps and looked at the sky(Oh yeah I also have another OC named kevin which is Krystal's friend so to be lover)Boris was right beside me looking to at the sky
Boris:*snickers*You alright.
Bendy:Yeah no thanks to you.
Boris just laughed I growled at him but who can blame him I did just fall because I didn't know he was beside me.
Bendy:We better get going before zombies come this way.
We went on and packed our stuff then got on with our journey to find the ink machine for the zombie apocalypse(just go with it.)we were going around when we heard gun shots. We looked around when we saw two cups shooting at zombies crowding them. Me and Boris got our weapons. We then stabbed each one and shooting them.
💖Time skip💖
~Boris P.O.V~
After shooting and stabbing those zombies I went over to help one cup with a blue straw. Bendy helped one up with a red straw.
Bendy:Are you two alright?
???:Yeah were alright.
Boris:So what are your guys names.
???:My name is Mugman and this is Cuphead.
After everyone met each other we all went back on our journey. Of course the cups wanted to join us and we said sure.
Cuphead:So you guys are looking for the ink machine too.
Bendy:Yeah but only to stop the zombies forever.
Mugman:I know right there so nasty and disgusting.
~Bendy P.O.V~
I kinda liked these guys especially Cuphead-Wait what am I saying ugh I just hope I don't say that in front of Cuphead or that will be weird. I then heard a crying coming from a alleyway. I'm guessing the others heard it too because we all went to look in the alleyway. We then saw a girl dog lying there on the floor crying covering her left eye which was bleeding blood on her hand.Me and the others were shocked then Boris said something.
Boris:Um miss are you A-Alright?
Her eyes were black with only white dots in her eyes and her teeth were razor sharp I only saw her teeth because she was panting from the wound in the side of her stomach. Then out of nowhere a guy jumped in front of the girl. The guy was a cat and had purple hair and a purple shirt on with blue jeans with holes in it also blue shoes.

???:What do you guys want!?Bendy:Listen were not gonna hurt you guysMugman:Yeah we just want to help you outI guess the guy was thinking about it because he nodded his head

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???:What do you guys want!?
Bendy:Listen were not gonna hurt you guys
Mugman:Yeah we just want to help you out
I guess the guy was thinking about it because he nodded his head. I asked if he needed help with the girl. I only helped because she was sleeping and she looked like she didn't weigh a lot.
???:Sure but just tell me if she's really heavy okay.
Bendy:Um okay but I'm fine.
I lifted her up without breaking a sweat. I could tell he was amazed because his mouth was open wide.
Bendy:So what's your name and hers.
???:Oh well my name is Kevin and hers is Krystal.
Bendy:Oh okay.
As we were walking I started to notice that ink started to run down the girls face.(Krystal also has the ink illness)I guess Kevin saw it too because he immediately grabbed her. She than woke up crying holding her stomach with pain in her eyes.!
Kevin:Don't worry don't worry I'm here I'm here.
Everyone else was shocked but Kevin kept doing what he was doing.
Boris:Um s-sir do you need any h-help.
Kevin:Yeah can you give me that bag right there.
~Cuphead P..O.V~
I was freaked out by the sounds the girl was making like she was...dying. Muggs ran over to them to also help out while I was just standing there.
Bendy:Are you going to help or not.
Cuphead:Oh right srry.
Kevin:It's fine but we should probably go stop somewhere instead of right here were zombies can eat us.
Bendy:You do have a point.
~Krystal P.O.V~
When I woke up I heard chatter from another room. I was about to check when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked at my stomach to see it's bandaged up. Also I only had on my pants but had no shirt on (im not nasty she does have a t-shirt on sorry) I was about to shout out for Kevin when someone came into the room.
???:Oh your up.
Krystal: Who are you!?
???: Oh sorry forgot you don't know us but I'm Boris.
Krystal: B-Boris.
Boris: Yeah.
Me:Sorry it took forever but I had a lot of stuff to do but now I updated. Peace out✌❤

Bendy x Cuphead *Zombie apocalypse*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant