"Get out."

"Will you listen to me? Please?"

"Five minutes."

"I didn't mean for you to get hurt none of that was supposed to happened, well that I knew. I did it because I had no other choice."

"You had a choice you just chose the wrong one."

"I chose it because if I didn't Russ would’ve died!"

"Then why did you pick him over me. You’ve known me longer than him. We're friends."

"I picked him because he was there for me! I picked him because he cared about me! I pick because he was different! I picked him because he loves me! I can see it in his eyes every day he looks at me! I swore I wouldn't fall in love with anyone else after that night but I broke it! Love can't be resisted; even though I try to hide it it's always going to be there no matter what. I'm not afraid that I’ve fallen deeply in love with him. When we kissed, I felt sparks and I know he did. I couldn’t let that master kill him; he’s my one true love. And I won’t give that up for anything in the world, not even you!"

She slammed the door in my face, well not exactly. The room seemed empty and guilty; I never knew she felt that way about Russ. Maybe it's because I never asked. Soon I began to force myself off of the bed and follow her but when I did I had to get back in bed. The pain in my stomach was still there and it still hurt. I lifted up my dress to reveal a hundred scars around my stomach. I never really noticed them before. That's because I usually looked at the ones that are on my arm. But close to my pants line were 3 big scars across my stomach. I touched my cheek and winced at the pain. That scar got worse and worse every day. I leaned back on my bed and closed my eyes; I slowly started to drift off to a nice calm steady sleep.


Ugh! She doesn't get it, I did it for Russ. If I hadn't I would've never seen him again, I do love Jackie,  I mean she's like a sister but she's not my whole life. On my way out the door I bumped into Russ who was soaked. By the look of his eyes I could tell he knew but he didn't hear my side of the story. His eyes moved away from mine as he walked by me. A tear ran down my cheek as I ran down the steps of the hospital and clasped onto the floor but my hands caught myself. My tears fell into beat with the rain I looked at my hands which had a fresh small scar across it. My tear fell onto it and amazingly the blood stopped and some of the scar healed. Did that just happen? Someone touched my shoulder I turned around to meet eyes with Russ.

"You know you could get pneumonia."

I smiled at him but he didn't smile back. He led me inside the hospital and I sat down on a nearby couch as he sat next to me."Russ-"

"Don't, Jackie already told me."

"She did?" I was flowing with anger but I was also relieved that he knows or at least I think he knows."How much did she tell you?"




I looked down and blushed but he lifted my chin up to his eyes. I could see my reflection in his pupils, our foreheads were touching each other but we weren't kissing. Before I could lean back he lunged for my lips for a moment I didn't know what happened and I was thinking of pulling away. I was violating my promise but I already did. I felt the sparks again and that’s what pulled me into the moment. I slung my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to his body. We didn't once break the kiss, he lifted me onto his lap so that each of my legs were on the opposite side of his waist and I was sitting so I was facing his face as he started to kiss my neck and suck on it. I let out a soft moan that turned him on, and he started to take off my shirt and when he did I could feel that he was getting exciting, but then Nate came in.

"Dude, not in the hospital." I get off his lap and back on the couch while I put on my shirt.

"What do you want?" I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Jackie will be out tomorrow."

"Shouldn't we stay until you recover?"

"No, I'll be alright."

"No you won't you have to start taking the medicine before it's too late."

"To late for what?" I cut in.

"....Nothing." Russ replied.

"What are you not telling me?" He looked at Nate as if for an approval and Nate shook his head and headed back into Jackie's room.

When Nate was out of earshot Russ blurted out."Come with me." He stood up.


"If you want to know come with me." So I did and we walked outside. The storm had passed on and whatever Russ is going to tell me must be important if he's hiding it from me and most of all from if Nate’s hiding it from Jackie.


UGH! This is so boring, why can't I get out and do something active? Maybe I could, I slowly got out of my bed and walked slowly to the door. It still hurts but it's worth it. I opened it leaving the empty hallway and I decided I was going to go through the back door and I did. I guess it started raining because one droplet became a hundred. I let the rain blemish my thoughts and feelings all that was left was me and the rain. I spread my arms out and lift my head to the sky to let the rain hit my face softly some of them tickled me. I wish I didn't have to worry or fear although the master is dead the fear isn't gone and I was still worried about Nate and what really happened to him when I was knocked out. But I tried not to think of that I wanted nothing on my mind at the moment. I was getting soaked and I started to sneeze and sniffle but I didn't want to move.

"Having fun?" I turned around to face Amelia and I don't answer her."Are you still mad at me?"

"Yes and no. I don't want to be mad at you but I’m still mad."

"Well, Nate’s worried sick about you, he thought you ran away or something but I knew that you were outside."


"That's what I do when it rains I let the rain carry my worries." I smiled as we headed back into hospital and into my room.

"There you are." He wrapped me into a tight hug. I could see he was weaker much weaker, he returned to looking at a picture.

"What's wrong with him?" I whispered as her face sunk.

"It is not your time yet." Those were the words I had to fall asleep with.

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